Chapter Six: Commotion

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Chapter Six



            “Are you coming along or not?” I told Arisu shortly.

            “I’m coming!” she said, bubbly as before.

            It was as if yesterday’s events had left her unfazed.

            Once by the cool pool, I placed my silver swim cap on to keep my long, layered hair in place and put on my lavender goggles.

            The clear waters sparkled a hue of blue . . . The simple color radiated throughout the recreation room. The ripples of the water reflected everywhere like a diamond shown with light upon a wall.

            Right then, a wave of static was shot at my spine. We all have that weird sixth sense when you can tell when someone is looking at you, no? Mine is like that.

            Just to ensure so, I looked behind me. There, Haruka was staring at me. By the looks of it, he was pitying me. But . . . why?

            A sudden billow of guilt flashed over me. Was I . . . too harsh yesterday? That particular thought was tugging at my heart. Yet again . . . why?

            The carefree feeling when swimming around, or even with, them. The liberty of even just flying the free.

            Why were these all returning back into the front of my mind? It was in the back of my mind last time I checked.

            The Yukimura team . . . Rei . . . Rin . . . Makoto . . . Nagisa . . . Haruka . . . Those guys . . . what can you do about them . . . Oh, beat them up, of course.

            “It’s almost time, Sumi-chan!” Arisu jumped up and down excitedly, acting like a toddler.

            “I know that, Arisu,” I sighed nonchalantly.

            “But. I. Just. Can’t. Wait!” she smiled yet again.

            How much energy did this girl have? Bazillion? And her hyperactive self . . . What was this? Mutiny?

            Truth be told, I have no idea.

            “Kasumi,” my captain, Akiyama Eiko, sang. “Come here!”

            “Hai,” I replied as I jogged over. “Coming.”

            “So, Kimura-san will swim backstroke,” she began her instructing. “I will be swimming butterfly. Arisu-san will be swimming breaststroke. And, lastly, Kasumi-san will be swimming freestyle. Any objections?”

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