Otaku 6

637 56 15

Jimin went outside, finally getting a dosage of sun after laying in bed scrolling through social media all day.

He truly is a lazy kid, isn't he?

But I don't blame him, he's gotten really depressed after what happened with Yoongi.

Jimin finally gets to the meeting place, and looks for Jungkook. He sees Jungkook waving over at him. Jimin smiles and goes over. "You look hot" Jungkook winks, Jimin gags. "I'm not interested in smol kids" Jimin says, making Jungkook smirk. "You sure about that? I'm pretty sure I'm way taller than you"

Jimin groans and trails after Jungkook as he makes his way towards the counter and orders a caramel macchiato. "I'm still your hyung tho, you little dipshit" Jimin says, ordering himself a cup of black coffee, just the way he likes it.

"Well I'm still taller so who cares" Jungkook grins and Jimin smiles softly. "You're cute" Jimin grins, ruffling Jungkook's hair. "Of course I am, I'm the golden maknae" Jungkook says, taking a sip of his macchiato. "Where are the other guys?"

Jungkook shrugs, and looked at his watch. "They might be arriving anytime now,"

Just then, 4 of the guys strolled into the room, with everyone's eyes on them, just what you'd expect from a group of flaring handsome guys.

"Hey" Jin waves, coming towards Jimin and Jungkook. Both wave back and gave him a hug. "Long time no see, hyung" Jimin grins, making Jin ruffle his hair. Jungkook smiles at the other boys coming towards them. "Hey hyungs" Jungkook says, giving each of them hugs.

"How come you call them hyungs and not me?!" Jimin wails and everyone laughs. "You smol, das wai" Jungkook says, leaving Jimin pouting.

Namjoon ordered hot honeyed coffee, Seokjin ordered Darjeeling tea, Taehyung ordered Coke and Hoseok ordered Sprite.

"So what you hoes been up to?" Namjoon grins, his dimples showing way. "I'm the hoe here" Hoseok pouts and everyone chuckles.

"Nothing basically, I've been so bored lately, even though I did something.." Jimin replies, dazed. "You see, baby ji here met someone" Jungkook triumphantly says, his nose poking upwards. Everyone gasps in shock, including Jimin. "How do you know about th- I mean what are you talking about?"

Jungkook smirks in victory, taking out three photographs. "Ta-daaaaaaaa" Jungkook says, placing the three photographs on the table. Jimin looks over and gasps in shock, "where did you get those.." Jimin mumbles. "I got my sources"

Jimin glared at him and stared at the pictures. "Jimin, you have a boyfriend?" Namjoon asks, calmly, scarily calmly. "N-No, of course not, this is my friend!" Jimin nervously smiles, he didn't necessarily plan for this moment.

Someone snaked his arm around Jimin's shoulders that made Jimin jump out of fright. "Down boy, it's me only." A calm voice penetrated Jimin's ears.

"Y-Yoongi hyung?!"


I'm too lazy to finish the whole thing so there's a part two to this

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