Otaku 11

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The day was rainy, equivalent to Jimin's sour mood caused by thinking of jungkook and the incident with Jin.

But, Jimin loved rain, smiling as raindrops pitter patter against the window. Though, this time the rain just whizzed by his brown eyes in an instant, his blank eyes just staring off into space. His hot chocolate rested against his armchair, but doing little to thaw his frozen mind and soul.

Jungkook loves me?

Jungkook loves me?

Thoughts swirled around his mind, a deafening echo along with his loud heartbeat.

This can't be

Jungkook is my baby, my best friend and isn't he straight?

Jimin picks up his hot chocolate, and presses it to his cheek



A/N: hi, all my lovely readers. Sorry I was so inactive, I was really going through a huge writer's block, especially with the rise of bangtan's success. I hated those people who just liked BTS because of DNA , like what about danger? I need you? We are bulletproof? Those precious baby moments...

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them, but it hurts.

But, I'm getting over that and therefore I decided to write this, thanks to all your lovely comments to my other book and this.

I hope you enjoy this, happy reading

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