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Blood rushed through my veins, blocking out the Dean's voice as I shook his hand; as I accepted my diploma. I didn't think this day would ever come. However, after the insane amount of homework and term papers to get my liberal arts degree, I was equally excited and terrified that it was finally all over.

My mind blanked as I walked off the stage, diploma clutched tightly in my hand. Even though I knew my father and step-mother wouldn't be there, my eyes still searched the crowd, looking for their familiar faces.

My heart sank as I didn't find them, even though I kept my smile firmly in place. My brother, Luke, was there of course, to greet me as soon as I stepped off the last stair. My smile became real as he lifted me into his arms and swung me around.

"There's my favorite sister," Luke said as he sat me back down onto my feet and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the way to the next college graduate behind me.

"I'm your only sister, Luke," I said with sarcasm in my tone.

"I know, that's why you're my favorite."

I rolled my eyes. "So where is dad and Loretta at?" I said even though I didn't really want to know the answer. Today was a big day, and it really did hurt that they were a no-show, even though I'd come to except it.

"That's a secret for when we get home Lila."

Curiously, I arched my brow at him, smothering the sense of hope I felt that my father and step-mother would actually do something, anything for me. "Why?"

"Because it's a surprise. I'm not allowed to tell you." He wiggled his eyebrows at me right before humming the 007 theme song.

I couldn't stop rolling eyes again. He was such a dork when it came to secrets. "Okay, then I won't ask any more questions. Let's go get something to eat before we drive home. I'm starving."

"Sounds like a plan, sis. We'll fight over where, but as long as we're back by six that shouldn't be a problem."

"This super-secret surprise has a time limit now?"

"That's what the boss told me. Now quit asking questions and let's go eat."


We pulled up into the driveway of our parent's house with twenty minutes to spare. Before we even got out of the car, my father, Peter, walked out of the house with his hands hidden behind him and my family quickly following after.

"You ready for this?" Luke asked grinning wickedly at me as he unlatched his seat belt.

"Is anyone ever ready?" I spouted back before putting on a fake grin and exciting my brother's SUV.

"There's my graduate," my father said before wrapping my up in his arms. I felt stiff, awkward as I patted him half-heartedly on the back, still upset that he didn't make it to the ceremony.

"Yup, here I am. Diploma and all." I replied as I moved out of his embrace, trying to keep the anger out of my tone as the memories of everything he had missed out in my life replayed one by one.

Clearing her throat softly, my step-mother, Loretta broke through the awkward silence. "Congratulations, Lila. We're all very proud of you."

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. Loretta was never a very loving woman, at least when it came to me. She had been my 'mother' since I was seven. You'd think that after almost ten years that she would have broken through the walls that stood between us, but that wasn't the case. Luke, on the other hand, tended to be her favorite. I tried not to let it bother me, but it still hurt.

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