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I headed down the stairs that led to the dungeons in my mother's castle; Jared also gave me a crystal orb so I could see my way down the stairs to the dungeons. I came to the last of the stairs that lead to the dungeons where my mother is at so she would've been safe from Lord Sevrin.

"Mom, where are you at?" I asked, as I entered the dungeons to find my mother.

"Lila, is that you?" My mother asked, seeming confused from where my voice was coming from because it was so dark down there.

"Yes, where are mom?" I asked, still trying to find her in the dark.

"Lila, grab the torch that is to your right on the wall that is lit. Okay?" My mom said, trying to remain calm as I tried to find her.

"Okay mom." I said, as I grabbed the lit torch so I can see better when I approached my mother in the dungeons in her castle.

"Lila, just follow the sound of my voice." My mother said, as I approached her in the dungeons.

"Mom, are there keys to the dungeons so I can unlock the cell door?" I asked, as I got closer to my mother.

"Yes, they should be on the hook to your left on the wall." My mom said, as I got closer to her.

"Mom, I found the keys." I said, as I grabbed the keys; headed to where my mother's voice was coming from in the dungeons. I got to the dungeon cell where my mother was at and I unlocked the door so I could give my mother a hug.

"Lila, you look just like me when I was a young lady, but you also look just like your father too." My mother said, with a kind and caring tone in her voice.

"Mom, I can't believe it's you after elven years. I finally get to see you again." I said, just seconds from crying in my mother's arms.

"I know; I can't believe it has been elven years since I last seen you." My mother said, just as she began to cry tears of joy.

We headed up the stairs that lead back to the throne room where Jared is waiting for us. I was happy that I finally with my mother. When Jared seen us coming through the passageway that only he and my mother only knew about, but now I know where the secret entrance is at now for the dungeons.

"Jared, thank you for bringing my daughter back home; back to me." My mother said, with the most caring voice I have ever heard since I was a child.

"It was my honor to bring your daughter back, Queen Linda." Jared said, with the up most respect towards my mother.

After Jared had left, my mother showed me around the castle; where my room was at so I wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. I was so tired by the time I put my head on the pillow I was out like a light. It was about five days later that my mother told me that I will become the new Queen of the Drows Kingdom. My mom said that the coronation will be in two months. It was a month before my coronation, I was being fitted for my dress that I would be wearing at the coronation ceremony. My main issue is knowing whether or not that Jared is going to be there to see me become the Goblin Queen.

The Return of the Goblin QueenWhere stories live. Discover now