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We were just outside the castle walls when we were surround by the enemy. I was scared, but yet at the same time I was determined to get to my mother. Then Jared pushed me behind him so I would be safe from danger.

"Hand over the princess or we'll kill you in front of her before you even think about trying to kill us." Said one of the weird looking hob goblins, with anger in his voice.

"If you want the princess, you have to go through me to get to her!" Jared exclaimed, with an anger tone in his voice.

"You are very foolish, Goblin King Jared. Why are you protecting her then?" asked the same hob goblin, in a very curious tone.

"I maybe a foolish king to you but to my subjects I'm very wise king. I'm protecting her because I care about her; I don't want her to get hurt." He said, with a protective tone in his voice.

Then the hob goblin that had been talking to Jared threw his dagger at Jared, but Jared dodged the dagger; the dagger killed one of the hob goblins own kind. Then the other hob goblins try to attack Jared and me, but Jared uses his magic to kill off the hob goblins that have him and myself surrounded from every corner.

Jared thought that he killed them all, but he missed one which was the one who'd been talking to him. He didn't see him until it was almost too late because Jared had turned his back on the hob goblins so we could continue to my mother's castle. That's when I noticed the last hob goblin that had been talking to Jared wasn't dead. I was hiding behind a tree not too far from the hob goblin that was going to try to kill Jared. I reached down into my boot, grabbed the dagger that Jared had given me a few weeks ago. Therefore, I snuck up on the hob goblin; I killed that hob goblin which kind of scared me because the hob goblin had thrown his dagger; it barely missed Jared's right arm.

"Lila, you just saved my life from that hob goblin. Why did you save me?" Jared asked, seeming a bit shocked by my actions.

"I saved you because I care about you Jared. I didn't want you to get hurt; I just acted on my instincts because you've been nothing, but caring to me by getting me to my mother." I said, right before I started to cry because I had just saved him. That's when I realized that my feelings for Jared have gotten stronger to where I love him; that I would do anything to keep him alive.

"Thank you Lila. We're almost to your mother's castle so you can meet her." Jared said, seeming a bit sad by the thought of me meeting my mother.

"Jared, why do you seem so sad that I'm about to be reunited with my mother?" I asked, hoping to get the truth out of him because I wanted to tell him how much I loved him for helping me find her.

"Lila the reason why I'm sad is because I have fallen in love with you once a long time ago." Jared said, with a hint of sadness in his voice. I couldn't believe it, I finally recognized him from elven years ago when I wished my brother, Luke away when he was only two years old.

"I remember, everything now from when I was a teenager to when I finished high school. I even remember wishing my brother away when I was only fifteen years old. I even remember defeating you to win my brother back. Is that what you mean by that you had fallen in love with me once a long time ago, Jared?" I asked, with tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Yes, Lila that is exactly what I mean, but your mother had heard about a young girl defeating me; knew instantly who had defeated men. Your mother summoned me about ten years ago; asked me to find you and bring you back to her where you belong and I told her I would do my best to get you back to her safely." Jared said, with a calm but sad tone in his voice.

"I can't believe it, I'm back in the Underworld where I had defeated you elven years ago. I'm shocked at how much you have changed in that amount of time. Jared, do you still have feelings for me though?" I asked, not really sure if I even wanted the answer to that question

"Lila, I will always love you, but right now we need to get you to your mother." He said, with a calm tone in his voice.

"Well, we better get a move on then shouldn't we, Jared?" I said, with a bit of hesitation in my voice.

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