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I sat down on a rock, and then I hear a loud crack coming from behind me. I begin to run for my own life as if I were trying to stay alive to find safety from whatever was chasing. The sounds kept getting louder and closer to me like they're right behind me. I didn't stop running what's so ever because I knew that if I'm going to stay alive I would need to learn how to survive on my own without anybody's help.

Night begin to fall so I decide to build a fire and get some sleep before continuing my journey to where ever I was going. I find a good spot to lie down, get some sleep; in the morning I would continue my journey, but then I hear that loud cracking sound again. I decide to defend myself against whatever was trying to hurt me. The only thing that I was trying to defend myself against was a bunny with a loud jump when it hops and lands on a branch. Wow, don't I feel stupid for thinking that a large animal was chasing me.

I was looking for some water to drink and something to eat because I was starving. As I walked through the woods, even though it was morning, I heard a branch snap. Just like that I am running for my life again then I hear a loud screech from behind me, I notice the creature that had been chasing me had been killed.

"You should be more careful." Said a strange voice that came from behind me. "Plus when you are being chased by an animal that you don't know. You should stand still, remain calm, and it just might leave you alone. You were in its territory."

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked being careful how I phrase my sentences.

"Let's just say that I am a friend and I don't want you getting yourself hurt." Said the strange voice.

I was starting to get confused so I just rolled my eyes as usual. "What is your name? I'm Lila." I said without even thinking twice.

"My name is Jared, and I'm a friend. Your name it reminds me of a flower called a lily."

"Well it's nice to meet you Jared."

"We better get moving if we don't want to be eaten alive by any monsters that come out at night."

"Whoa! Who said anything about you are going with me?" I said because I don't even know this man or why he is helping me.

"I did because you are new to this world and you don't know what kind of dangers there are here, and I am also here to take you to your mother." He said without hesitation.

So I just gave up and followed him through the forest, but there was something about him that made me think that I know this man but from where. As we are walking through the forest there was a strange noise behind us and I was about to run when he told me to remain calm and stay quiet.

It was morning, my back was stiff as a board, and I didn't feel too good either. As we were walking through the forest we came to a river. "Is it safe to drink from? Because I am thirsty." I was so thirsty that my mouth was dry as a hot desert in the middle of July.

"Yes, the water is safe to drink from." Jared said, with the same annoyed tone from earlier when I first met him.

"Thank you for saving me yesterday." I said because I never did thank him for saving my life.

"You're welcome, but don't try to get yourself killed again especially when you have your back turned." He said with a caring tone in his voice. "Oh, by the way you may want to carry this with you so you can defend yourself a little better."

At first I didn't want to take it from him. I mean, come on it could very well be a trick, but it wasn't it was a medium sized dagger that I could hide in my boot. As if he was trying to say something to me but he just couldn't find the right words.

"We can rest here for the night." He said as he slowed to a stop. As we were gathering branches from a nearby tree to build a fire we heard a strange noise so we gather what branches we could carry and headed back to the camp.

"I guess I better get some sleep before we get moving in the morning. Good night, Jared." I said as a drifted off to dream world where I knew I would be safe.

"Good night, Lila. I hope you have sweet dreams." He said with a caring; yet a quiet tone like he didn't want to wake me up from my sleep.

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