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It was morning when Jared woke me up, but he looked like he didn't get any sleep at all. I wonder why he looked like he didn't get any sleep last night.

"Morning Jared, how did you sleep?" I asked, with a hint of curiosity in my voice.

"I didn't sleep at all; I was making sure we weren't followed by anyone or anything." He said, was a hint of irritation in his tone.

"Why?" I said, sounding a bit concerned about him not getting any sleep.

"Lila, you don't need to worry about me or my wellbeing. Besides my mission right now is to get you to your mother in one piece." He said, with a caring tone in his voice while he spoke to me.

"I know, but you also need to get your sleep as well Jared." I said, with a hint a worry in my tone; yet for some reason he did seem a little familiar to me but why is that.

"I know that I need to get some rest, but until I get you to your mother safely Lila I won't get any rest because there are many dangers in this forest. I can also tell that you care about me because when you speak to me you have a concern tone." Jared said, with an irritated tone in his voice.

"Oh, I didn't know Jared." I said, with a hint of sadness in my tone.

"Well we better get moving if we want to get about half way through the woods by night fall."

We started walking through the woods when I saw a clear object that he used to light our way through the woods.

"What is that you're carrying in your hand?" I asked, with a hint of curiosity in my tone.

"It's a crystal orb that I use to control my magic; I can manipulate into anything to my desire." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Oh, it just seem familiar to me like I had seen it in dream from a long time ago, but I don't remember it." I said, with a hint of calmness in my voice, but still a bit confused about the crystal orb.

"You think you have seen one of these crystal orbs before in a dream; yet you don't remember the dream. I think that is a bit odd. Lila, see here this crystal orb is no ordinary crystal orb it can show you what your greatest hopes are in life." He said, with a hint of reassurance in his tone.

"I think I have seen one, but I am not for sure if I have seen one." I said, still a bit confused. Then it came to me, I have seen one before back when I was a teenager.

"Well, maybe if you don't think about it too much maybe just maybe it may come back to you." He said, with a calm voice but his tone seemed a bit bitter.

The next object I seen was a purple flower that reminded me of my room from when I was a child, but why a purple flower remind me of my room.

"Jared, what kind of flower is this?" I asked, sounding confused even though I tried to hide it in my voice.

"Lila that is a purple Pandora Flower. They are very rare in this part of the Fae Forest because most of the time they are eaten by animals that eat plants and the flowers die off over time. This is the first time I have seen one since I was a boy." He said, with sadness in his voice, but he tried to hide it from me.

Then he did something that I didn't except him to do, which was pick one of the purple Pandora's; as he handed it to me to keep.

"Thank you, Jared. The Pandora is lovely; it's also different from the flowers that we have in the Aboveworld." I said, with a kind tone in my voice.

"You're welcome, Lila. The Pandora's will never die, or wilt. That is why these flowers are such a rarity in this part of the Fae Forest." He said, with a polite tone in his voice.

We were almost out of the Fae Forest when I rolled my ankle; then Jared started to laugh at me. I couldn't believe that he thought me rolling my ankle is funny.

"What's so funny about me getting hurt, Jared?" I asked, with anger in my tone.

"I wasn't laughing at you, Lila. There's a bird that mocks other Fae's and other people. I'm sorry that you thought I was laughing at you, Lila." He said, with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Oh, what kind of bird is it Jared?" I asked, sounding a bit curious.

"The bird that was mocking you is called a mocking jay or what we like to call them a mocker." He said, still sounding a bit amused about the bird incident.

While we're walking, I begin to realize that I like this guy who's trying to get me to my mother. I wonder why I like him; I barely even know him why do I like him. I began to wonder if he likes me while we were walking in the Fae Forest. We were half way through the Fae Forest when night fell; Jared decided that it would be a great stopping point for the night. When we sat down to take a break he began to hum a tune to a song that I recognized from a dream not that long ago.

"What is the name of the song you are humming to Jared?" I asked, with curiosity in my voice.

"The name of the song is As the World Falls Down, but I can't remember who the song is by otherwise I would tell you>" He said, with a calm voice.

"It's a very beautiful song Jared." I said, while I was trying to remember where I had heard that song before, but I just couldn't remember where I had heard it.

"Thank you Lila." Jared said, with a quite happy tone in his voice.

"You're welcome Jared." I said, as I stood back up so we could gather some wood for the fire we were going to build so we could cook our food.

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