Client one #1 Myself

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  My name is Abbygail Skye, you can call me Skyby, nice to meet you, I really thank you guys for taking the time off your hands to read this. After all, no one can get rid of people better than me, after they don't understand the sweet, "No I'm sorry!"

  They need to die...but that's illegal, unfortunately, my eyes' tearing up at the rules and regulation of this world but that's not what we're talking about.

  Of course some of you might wonder, "What's so good about this Abbygail? Can we trust her?" The answer is, 100% yes. YES you can trust me. Let's start by going back and viewing my history, with boys.


  One day, in a very empty classroom, lies three girls, Florin and her lime green hair, Carlynne and her poo brown hair and Reana with her stereo-typical golden hair that was passed down from her mother.
  "Omg! Please help me, that creep always like stalks me!" Florin cried out, pointing at a shadow who scurried away at the revelation of his position. "Not only he's a total creep he's also gossiping about me behind my back!"

  "Can't you just like tell him no? Plus, how do you know that he's gossiping about you?" Carlynne shouted.

  "Because my dear Carlynne," Florin started, smiling sweetly, "MY GODDAMN PLANTS TOLD ME!!!" She  raised her voice in anger.

  "Our only solution now is Skyby rite?" Reana smiled, trying to tie her golden hair. In which the others stared in jealousy at. Who wants a green hair? No one! Who wants poo brown hair? Not even a living person! How about the stereotypical perfect blonde hair? Hell yeah!

  "What makes you think we can trust her?" Carlynne glared, "Just because you're related--"

  "Remember Christopher?" Reana interjected, cutting Carlynne's line. Who glared at her, unlike the plant lover a.k.a Florin whose eyes were already widening in realization.

  "Omg! Yes! It's the dude whose life she ruined!" Florin shouted.

  "The one who liked her for a bit?" Carlynne questioned her eyebrows furrowing.

  "Yeah, she wasted all his tape and framed Willson from class R. She even cut his pencil case!"

  "I heard they had a feud in the toilet!" Morgan from class S shouted in the hallway.

  "Yeah, like we need to know that!" Carlynne shouted at him.

  "We need to know it Lynn!" Florin scattered eucalyptus leaves at Carlynne's face.

  "Garghhh!" Carlynne screamed, if its not so obvious already I would point out that Carlynne is allergic to eucalyptus. So I, Abbygail Skye decided to evesdrop more on their converstation. "Flo! Do you know that we can't just trust Abby?" Carlynne countered, eyes puffy to Florin.

  "I think Skyby's pretty reliable, remember Richard?" Reana really do promote me.

  "Oh yeah, she screen-shotted their chat!" Like that word even exist Florinita!

  "Here!" Florine shoved her phone at Carlynne who looked as if she was just kicked in the gut.

  "Oh hell no, poor Richard..." Carlynne gasped. And if you're curious I'll tell you what I exactly said.

  "Don't go near me, you're disgusting and I hate you, just STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I think.

  "I'm still not sure about this..." Carlynne began. Oh my ass Carlynne! How many more prove do you need?? I know I sound like I need more clients but I'm perfectly ok if you don't ask for my help...I think?

  "Sheesh Carl? What about Adeson?" Florine face-palmed.

  "Oh yeah! Orang gila!" Reana peeped at Florin. For you unlinguistic peeps, orang gila mean crazy person in Indonesian. Oh my ass, I just revealed my nationality. Harghhhhhhh.

  "Adeson is not too bad really, what do he have against her? I think they used to have a sort of fling right?" Carlynne asked deep in thoughts.

  "Are you seriously kidding me? Don't ever mention that in front of Abby, she'll burst a vessel!!" Reana hissed, looking around the room. I'm here you blind butts and I'm really offended. Its only curiosity that's stopping me from murdering Carlynne. Florin tried to catch Carlynne's attention by poking her.

  "What is it now Flo? Singing plants?" With that accusation, Florine turned crimson red. Her hand clutching another bundle of vegetable.
  Florin throws a small bundle of basils to Carlynne's face.
I do not want to explain what happen next but the allergy reaction is enough to bring her to the emergency hospital ward.

  "That was too much honestly!" Reana scolded Florin who just shrugged,

  "No one insults my plants." With that statement, Reana face-palmed and throw her arms up in defeat,

  "I'm done with you guys, if I stay any longer I might get your psychotic disease." Florin harumphed and turn away, seething. "Oh wait, before I escape would you mind and tell me? Did you decide on asking for Abby's help?"

  Florin didn't answer and turned her nose up haughtily before turning around and showering Reana with cactus needles. "Yipes!" Reana shrieked after barely avoiding the needles, one of them poked her in the arm. "I'll take that as a yes," Reana winced, picking the needle off, her hand started swolling and she glared at Florin, baring her teeth. "You dip this in poison?" Florin turned around and give her a sinister smile, "Good gracious!" She shrieked, running to the clinic, leaving Florin alone.

  Oh well, they forgot something, I vandalized Orang gila's stuff too. With an abnormal giddiness to my footsteps, I skipped out of the classroom thinking one thing, "My ability other than pranks are finally reconized."

  See? 100% gurantee that my way can get rid of boys, from extensive heartbreak to physical pain. I'm the best you can get sweetheart and I'm so not angry if you don't choose me....I think. If you think I'm arrogant it means that there's something wrong with you 'cause I spent so much time trying to make this guide for you. So stop waisting my time and start listening to me.

  What do you think of class T? Florinita Fae, Sereana Falls, Carlynne Corla? Oh yeah, spoiler alert!!!

   "Hey there! Rory here, Abby was about to spoil it for you so I decided to shove her. Thank me sweeties! See ya next time!"

  Dang you psychotic cousin! What kind of BFF are you?


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