Client #5 Lori and the faux idolism

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Yo! RORY's back and she have to admit, Rory's not Rory without any procrastinating. So yes, I'm sorry for this long awaited chapter. I HOPE YA ALL WOULD FORGIVE ME BY ACCEPTING THIS CHAPTER! Oh and the images are found in the internet, edited by yours truly-Rory. BTW I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS TURNED INTO.

Lori had always been deemed as the type that many people would idolize not the type to idolize. It really is, something amazing for normal people if the great Lola (Lori Lavenders) of the CSS, is also a fan of someone too.

The case about Lori is that people often forget that even an elite student can have idols. Right now, I'm about to tell you her story, and like Nisara's or Carlynne's or whoever this has potential of become weird like--

"Shut up and continue the story you little psycho."

Urghh Rory, back here again with the little and carefully hidden insults.

"It wasn't carefully hidden!"

Have you ever heard of sarcasm my dear cousin?

"Oh. Lol!"

Yes yes, we all get that you're one dense dumb-ass with a numb brain so I'll continue the story.


I'll CONTINUE the story.


Lori twisted a lock of her silver strands, she took a deep breath and exhale. In her hands she clutched a book, well it's not just some random book, it's the extra-ordinary imaginative book, 'A magical life'. Wow! The title sounds so original. *facepalms into oblivion*

Lori squealed, she was next in line to the signing of the book. As a personal weirdo, I have to admit, Lori's powers are pretty impressive, unlike Florin and her plant powers, Carlynne and her OP strength(not told but it exists), Nisara and her weird transforming sword, Dylan and his games or even Liyo and Otto's fusion, Lori's power is books.

It's more amazing than whatever you're thinking of right now. She really can travel inside books and alter course of history whether it's just a simple change of worse or something as drastic that she needs to go through the story itself but the most important thing is that she is practically undetectable so she can spy on her enemies' diaries or journals or any surface really, exspecially if they are discussing plans and if the book she's in is burned, she can travel to any other books with the exact same page or copy.

But of course, due to her powers, her hobby is collecting or writing books which is why she's standing here, waiting for one of her favourite authors to sign her book. In front of her, the flabby lady has 40 books in a box waiting to be signed and Lori is getting less and less patient.

"MOVE!" Lori thought angrily, she wished Aleza was here to mind control that annoying woman to move to the very back of the looooooong line. (That would be an understatement -Lori)

Lori waited and waited but the woman has only gone through 20 books and she each asked the author to write a personal message by telling a five minute story of each person. The author appeared to say that she can't be that long but the woman just cut his line and continued blabbering. Lori was furious, seething with anger, she was ready to punch this woman down because she have other things to do such as visiting other authors.

Hmm...A stupid plan cooked up in her shallow brain (Don't call it shallow!- Lori) See? Even now she's intruding this page. Whatever but she somehow made her way and kind of destroyed the rest of the books, they glued shut for no reason and the woman couldn't seperate them without breaking the books. Of course in to the woman's dismay, everyone was shouting at her in anger, "Move it!" A man shouted, "My child is waiting for a long time!" He cradled the crying toddler in his arms.

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