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Guys Rory here. I need to take a bit of a break. Abby, me, Carlene (yep, she's Carlynne), Florine (Florinita)and the rest are really really busy right now.

On Monday, we'll have Math test (hell with this! Geometry will be responsible for our death.) and Social Studies Test (or f-ing history! Who needs to learn about kingdoms?) On Tuesday, we'll have Art presentation (I love this subject but I hate final art project) and Science Test (Bingo! Biology, Physics and Chemistry all piled into one huge pile of test!) Kill me now!

I'm constantly puzzled at how I don't have a migrane already. Final Exams starts next month (Tomorrow is May 1st) wait what? It's tomorrow. FML. My art is 15% finished and my stupid sewing machine broke down. Now I have to manually stitch that project..

Hahahhahahahha <~~ Notice the effect. My brain just got mind blown. Hahahahahahha.


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