Client #3 Carlynne's battle

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Everyone has their fair share of boy troubles, even the hyper-allergic Carlynne Coral. Carlynne never really trusted me to do anything but this case was a special case. This will be a very serious lesson compared to Florin's....maybe?

Let's zoom back into time won't we?


On the way home, silently Carlynne don't wish to meet Florin, there's no judging what she can do to Florin right now! Stopping by a nearby cafè, she sighed and opened the secret diary app on her phone. She scanned her five right fingerprints, scanned her eyes and speak clear so that they can detect her voice.

"Open sesame!" She shouted to the phone as it failed to detect her voice for the third time. With a tinkling music the diary app opened and she sighed. "I need to fix that password." She didn't care if the cafè people were staring at her. Silently, she waited in line to order some expresso.

With a nostalgic smile, she scrolled down her phone and tried to find days that seemed a bit different. Scrolling through the days she spot one 2 years ago. Heck yeah, it was one of the worst day of her life. Its the first time Dennis ever appeared and it wasn't the funnest thing.

Well ok, he was nice..maybe but things often goes downhill when you don't want it to go. It all started as friendship, Carlynne, Dennis and Audric were the Harry, Hermione and Ron. But in this case, we all know that Dennis is a transfer student, therefore, Audric and Carlynne had been together longer.

Their friendship might've lasted forever but he just had to ruin it, by letting jealousy overpowering him. This jumpback will definitely be the time when their friendship crumbled to dust.


"Gosh!" Carlynne exclaimed, throwing everything she could into the bag. "Rejoice, my stupid self, you just broke the strict no-late rule!" She shouted. Hurling her pencilcase into her bag. With that, she hurried downstairs to the car, half way along the road, she realized that she left her homework.

"Fudge!" She ran all the way back home and to school again. Not only she woke up late, she also had to turn back home. Of course, due to irritation, her parents made her ran all the way back home and to school again, instead of 'wasting' their gasoline at her insolent attitude.

She was so glad, so glad that she was only a minute late, sweating buckets, she tried to change but remembered that today is Tuesday meaning that she didn't bring an extra uniform. Carlynne slapped her face at least twenty times before letting it sink that today isn't one of her miraculous days.

As if things couldn't get worse, Audric and Dennis are ignoring her, forcing her to only socialize with the girls, including me! The greatest and most unique Abbygail Skye or Skyby which I'm sure you know, consists of Skye and Abby combined.

"Err, guys, do you have any idea what's going on with Audric and Dennis. Audric seems to hate me now, however Dennis is still fine, but why did he change so much in a few days?" Carlynne questioned.

"Dunno, I forgot!" Claudiya exclaimed. Yes, for at least the 30th time that day.

"Can't be that bad right?" Kyrana sassed and sashayed away to her class. Wow. Just wow. How can so much drama be inserted in one sentence. I'm not shocked at that though, Kyrana always had her ways.

"Yeah, must been your imagination." Florin added, picking her teeth with a cactus needle. I'm pretty sure that thats the poisoned one but you never know really, it's Florin! Carlynne looked a bit distraughted.

"Atcually I kinda see that coming!" Nisara stared right into Carlynne's eyes. "After WHAT YOU DID, HOW CAN SOMEONE NOT!" Nisara started to raise her voice. Compared to anyone in the country, I'm willing to go that far, Nisara have the highest blood pressure.

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