Client 4# Nisara and the unexpected friendship

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I feel like I left out so much and you guys deserve to know what has happened. So yeah, on that very busy week, I survived. Woohoo! High-five buddies! I got help from my mother and yeah, she even confessed to me that I might've been a better stitcher than she is, I am so honored my mom actually told me that. Miraculously, I managed an A on my Art project. 93 isn't as good as Nisa's nor Alexa's but its ok, less than last semester but at least I still got an A right? Well, guys, I just found out the finals are starting on the 23th. WOW. Just wow. And yet, I still have the stupid time to type this thing away. ADMIRE MY DEDICATION OH NON-MAGICAL FOLKS. lol. Ignore that part -Rory

ps. This is a depressing chapter, I had to keep myself from crying at this one.


Ok. Ok. Just ok. I bet you've all heard Nisara and Dylan's graveyard story right? If you don't...ahhh. This is going to be a very long and dreary story. Yes, yes, I know I still have to tell it, fine! This is one of those very unusual incidents and I advice you guys not to follow Nisa, especially when encountering this kind of situation. So, we'll start with the fact that Nisa, is very attached to her grandfather and he meant all her life to her, why that's how she acts for another situation, another long boring story and I'm trying to make this quick!

"Oh shut up Abby, you are already dragging this story with you by adding lots and lots of personal thoughts in your narration!"

You shut up Rory! Alrighty guys, lets zoom back in time, won't we? I have to admit, meeting this way is probably one of the worst ways ever, if you can kill boys then i suggest you go Nisa style, if you can't please, don't ever try this.


Nisa stood with an air of grace around her. After all that's her middle name right? She stood calmly, gazing at a person's gravestone, this is, I supposed the destined day of when Nisara have to really grow up, earlier than she ever wanted and needed. The vivid memories swirl around her and suddenly, all feelings were lost. Her knees buckled and she fell onto the dirt patch of where, Nicholas Royale was buried. She could already see the lustrous blossoms blooming from the patch of dirt where her good ol' grandpa's once mighty and strong body lies.

The cold autumn wind blew through her locks of obsidion black hair, her black dress billowing around her knees, at where she lies. She closed her dark eyes and let the soft breeze flow around her. She opened her eyes and smiled fondly at the gravestone, tracing her fingertips on the cold stone. She pulled the bleak sweater tighter around her as she read the gravestone aloud.

"'Nicholas Royale. A perfect husband. A sweet father. The best grandfather.' Its missing something honestly," Nisa thought, a grin worming its way to her face, "The best grandfather. EVER. IN THE WHOLE WORLD. FLAWLESS." She laughed, this was a game she used to play with her grandfather, they would list of adjectives to describe that one selected person and laughed and laughed at how addled the 'deranged' old man and the sweet little princess gets.

While chatting away to herself and laughing at how silly it is, a miserable wail echoes from the other side of the graveyard, without further ado, after giving her farewells to her grandpa, she decided to go investigate the cause of it. Thank goodness this graveyard's format is more or less like a forest, something Nisa was familliar with as she grew up near one. With that, Nisa stealthily tiptoed over to the other side, one hand on the blade on her hip, eyes determined, as it always have been. The forest smells like pine and firs, very musky for a windy day. Nisa figured the wind would make the smell subside but it seems that it did not affect it one bit.

She can hear the muffled sobs getting louder, "It's probably near here." She thought, glancing at her left side. She saw a boy's thin frame shaking, either from the sobs that wracked his body or the cold either way, Nisa felt sorry for him, therefore she slid her blade which she earlier had drawn out back into the scabbard on her belt and proceeded to sit next to him on the bench.

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