epilogue 2/2

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"Come on Emily, where are your shoes?" Phil screams and I take the baby in my arms. She's so cute and she can't stop smiling.

"You forgot that she's three?" I smile and I go in the bathroom. "It's just a dinner with our families, don't be afraid"

"I'm not afraid," he says and enters in the room, then kisses me. "I'm nervous"

I smile, "Okay, she's ready, can we go?"

"Yes," he says and we go downstairs. "Dan, um"

"What?" I say opening the machine door and placing Emily in the seat, tying the belts.

"My life. I'm loving it because you're here with me," he pauses. "I love you"

"Hey, I love you too," I giggle. "But can we talk about the romantic things later? We're late"

"Sure," he turns on the car. I watch at him smiling. Thirty years later, he's still beautiful like when he was just nineteen. I'm proud of the man I choose to love.

I couldn't imagine that a question on a social media could bring us together, married and with a beautiful child. And I'm so happy because I dreamed this for so long, thinking it was only a dream, but now it's true and concrete and I couldn't wish for better.

I used to fill every thought with ideas of death, but now I just want to keep his hand in mine for the rest of my life and now I never want to die.

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