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The next morning I woke up and I was still at Alex's house. The night before still at the front of my mind. The arguing, the names, the smashed memories that we had. I hope she is ok. I check my phone as usual and see several missed calls and unread messages from people. I unlock my phone to see who they're from:

Charlie 8:35PM: Nate where are you? It's been a few hours now, I just want to know that you're ok xx

Charlie 8:58PM : Please Nathan, Call me, I really worried about you. I don't want you getting hurt. I'm sorry xx

Charlie 9:15PM : Nathan call me, text me, do something. Please!! xx

Emily 9:26PM : NATHAN EVANS! please for the love of everything holy call you girlfriend and put her mind at rest. She is worried sick about you and yes she has told me everything. I completely understand why you left, but just let her know that you're alright and that you need sometime to cool off because she is not listening to me. Please Nathan just talk to her. xx

Noah 9:41PM: Hey mate, Just wondering if you're ok? Charlie is really worried about you, she's been out looking for you. Just message her or something. Btw just to let you know that she is alright she is staying with me and Em the night. Thought I would tell you in case you go home and she's not there.

Charlie 00:00AM : I love you xx

Message sent 10:23AM: I'm ok. Staying with a friend, need time to think. Love you x

Message seen 10:23AM

Knowing that she's seen this does put my mind at rest and slightly hinders the guilt I was, am, feeling. I hope she can do the same.

"Hey man, sleep alright?" Alex said whilst entering the room with two mugs wearing a batman T-shirt, but Superman pyjama bottoms. The smell of coffee floating around the room. He placed both of them on the bedside cabinet.

"Thanks Alex and yeah alright. But what do you think you are wearing?" I turned my head away jokingly.

Alex looked down at himself, sucking in his lip eyes darting around guiltily "I'm sorry ok, I couldn't find the matching trousers, I don't even know who I am anymore?" He spoke overdramatically and animated as he flopped on the bed face first, laughing, before sitting up crossing his leg underneath him "Did you do what I told you?"

"Yes, I just messaged her and she's seen it."

"See was it really that hard?" He said giving me a 'I told you so' look. At which I rolled my eyes "No reply though?" I shook my head and shrugged.

"Anything from you're roommate" I nudged him suggestively.

"There's the window use it" He said with a straight face pointing at the open window. "But no I haven't heard anything from her, since last weekend" I raised my eyebrows and stared at him hoping to get more information about this mysterious person whom he shares a house with. "Stop looking at me like that" I continued staring at him "I will not give in to your peer pressure, stop it"

"What's her name?"


"Tell me...Tell me.... Tell me...Tell me"

"Fineeee. But do you have any sharp objects on you, because I think you might murder me when I tell you." He took a deep breath, looked me straight in the eye "Her name is Katy, well Katherine, before you say anything she's changed she's really sweet and caring now" He blurted out, lifting his arms up in defence sheltering his face. I couldn't even say anything to him. I kept cursing in my mind.

Everything is now piecing together, Katherine has lied to Alex so that she can get to me, hurt both me and Charlie and that's why she hasn't come home since last weekend which just so happened to be the party, where the "incident" happened But then that leaves the question about why is Taylor still in the picture?

As if this this whole thing couldn't get any worse. I have no idea what to tell him? Do I tell him the truth or just leave it for a while? I'm so confused about what to do. Just tell him!! My mind is screaming at me. I did that with Charlie and look how well that worked out. I'm losing another person.

"Nate you're not angry with me?" He questioned.

"Why would I? It's your decision if you say that she's changed and both of you are happy, who am I to judge?"

"Thanks mate. But if you hear anything of her then let me know. I have to go out for a bit and get some supplies for this art project I'm doing for uni, but it shouldn't take too long, if you want to stay another night that's fine with me just let me know. I'm guessing you still have my number?"

I nodded in return, he said goodbye and left me alone still trying to let everything he has just told be sink in. I sighed loudly, made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

After I was finished I grabbed my phone from the cabinet and hovered over the name for a while contemplating whether or not I have guts to face her again. This mental debate continued for a while, then my mind just took over and forced me to press call.
The worst decision... Well one of the worst decisions I have made. I prayed for them not to answer, I hoped that they wouldn't even see the missed call and would just move on and ignore it. I was so close into just hanging up and forgetting about it. But then I know that it would slowly devour me and taunt me with my own guilt. Then it happened. Shit. I guess the only way of overcoming a fear is to face it head on.


"Um hi it's me"

"Why hello stranger... Long time much"

"I...we need to talk"

"About what?"

"You know exactly what and don't even pretend you don't!"

"Alright...alright calm yourself. Where?"

"You know where, And come alone, I know what you're like" At those words I hung up as fast as I could before deleting my call history before anyone else saw it. That's one part sorted, but how am I going to leave the house in the late evening, without looking suspicious?

Sometimes its the simple methods of communication that work the best. Pen and paper at least then yo don't have to look at people or think about the tone you are using or even how you are going to say it. It is up to the reader to let them interpret it for themselves and as they wish, although that could be a downside.

Just going out for a bit. Don't worry about food, I'll grab something while I'm out and don't try and ring me, you know what reception is like around here probably wont be able to get through,and phone is about to die anyway. Haha. Anyway will text you later.

And with that I placed the scruffy looking piece of paper on to the countertop and closed the door silently. I ran downstairs and without any hesitation headed straight to the meeting point. I didn't even think about what I was going to say or what would even happen once I got there.

My palms became more sweaty and my breathing became more irregular at just the thought of seeing them again. Please. I just want this to be over and done with I want to be able to continue with my life as normal and just be able to forget everything that has happened up til now and start a fresh tomorrow. Like most things, however, it's just a hope, a wish that will most likely never happen.

I could just move on and they will not even have to know about me meeting them again or about what happened at the party last weekend. But the chance of the actually happening look pretty slim.

I was alone. Waiting for them to show up. It was getting even darker, until it was only me and the sky above illuminating the environment around me. A figure slowly but surely began to emerge from the dark into the minimal light. It just looked at me for a while. At this point I didn't really know what to do. Do I just run and forget the whole thing? Or man up and face it all together?

"Hello stranger long time no see. Huh?"

A/N: any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Sorry about the kind of cliff-hanger thing and the not so great chapter. AVH xx

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