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"What a great performance don't you think? 5 stars for our leading lady am I right, even I was starting o feel sorry for her." He smirked. One by one everyone began finding the courage in each other to turn around and face him. A moment of silence followed before the chaos began.

"Nathan get down!" Noah shouted from behind. Nothing could have prepared us for what would happen next.

"What?" I turned around in confusion. Suddenly Alex ran up to Taylor grabbing hold of the weapon pushing it away from my direction. "Alex what the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed wide eyed, although Alex paid no attention to my question and just continued to fight against him. Both began to push against each other, Alex trying to keep it towards the floor and Tyler doing the opposite. Alex knew that this wouldn't end well for either of them and even from afar you could see that, despite all his efforts, that he knew he was fighting a losing battle. Alex was strong and persistent, but Taylor was more so. Taylor knew full well what he was doing wasn't a single act of madness, but was one that had intention.

"None of this is over yet, until he is the last one standing"

Alex was starting to fatigue and his power was beginning to weaken to which Tyler used to his advantage.

The crackle of gunfire lingered and so did the smell. The last thing I remember was a scream mixed up with muffled voices and running footsteps and everything just stopped. When I regained my senses, I looked around quickly surveying the area making sure everyone was alright, despite the high pitched ringing in my ears.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked, brushing off the leaves that had attached themselves to my jacket. I turned around looking at everyone, who had a glassy look in their eyes. Emily was holding on to her stomach her face buried into Noah's neck and his arms strongly wrapped around her, Charlie stood feet firmly together hands thrown over her mouth in shock, Aiden stood still as if he had no control over his body. I heard a small grunt behind me and I turned around slowly seeing Alex.

"Nathan..." Alex called quietly, eyes fixed towards his stomach which his hands wrapped all the way around all I saw was red dripping through the slits of his hands which were covered in dirt. I sprinted over to him and I caught him before he fell. He moved his crimson tainted hands showing the blood on his T-shirt radiating outwards.

He winced in pain as I tried to catch him before his legs gave up on him.

"Come on mate, stand up for me we need to get out of here and get you to a hospital" I said grabbing his arm and pulling it around my shoulder, his weak body leaned against mine, we slowly made it step by step and a couple of stumbles towards the rest of the group who looked upon us with wide eyes, not really knowing what to do. "Alex we have to keep going, you can do this" I grunted as his fully body weight was on mine. I didn't care as long as was safe.

"Nathan, I-I don't th-think I can stand anymore" he winced in pain, closing his eyes tightly, each word was a struggle for him, as he collapsed to the floor. Everyone came running over, not really knowing what to do. "Don't just stand there someone call an ambulance or something." Charlie immediately grabbed her phone and started pacing whilst rapidly answering questions on the other side. I started to tend to Alex, whilst I heard a conversation between Emily, Noah and Aiden who then ran off, I'm guessing to start looking for the Taylor. Emily stayed with us, slowly bending down to help me with Alex.

"Emily don't. Leave, all of this stress and panic isn't good for you and the baby." Alex chocked out, voice hoarse and raspy. Emily simple nodded and smiled, teary eyed, and left to be with Charlie who now finished her conversation and was now trying to calm Emily down.

Panic stricken and clueless, I moved to my knees and held him in my arms trying to keep him upright. I took off my coat folding it messily and moved him upright, not intending to cause anymore pain. I looked down to see his grey T-shirt stained with blood near his stomach. No, no, no this can't be happening. I grabbed a random piece of clothing which happened to be nearby and tore it to shreds before placing pressure to the wound, whose in depth damage is left to be unknown. His breathing became more heavy and uneven before he said to me,

"Someway to go huh?" Alex chuckled softly but was laced pain. "I literally took a bullet for you. I feel kind of heroic you know. Like one of those underrated characters, like Nightcrawler in X-men: Second Coming. Minus the going to hell and loosing my soul bit"

"How can you still at a time like this?" I asked astounded with Alex's lack of concern.

He smiled and winked at me, weakly. "That part of me will never die" Alex and I have been almost inseparable since we found each other again, it was just like the old times. The memories that will linger with me forever. I looked down at Alex again, but he looked different now. He looked paler and was beginning to loose that constant gleam of happiness that he always has.

"I don't want to die. Nate. I'm scared." A single tear began to roll down his cheek. "I don't want it to end like this." For the first time ever I saw my best friend vulnerable and scared. He shut his eyes tightly and pressed his lips together harshly, trying to hide back his emotions, but moaning in pain.

"Are you satisfied? Is this what you wanted?" I yelled at nothing, hoping that maybe he would hear.

He was beginning to lose conciseness and began slowly drifting away. The distant sounds of the sirens started to become louder and louder, until the sound was deafening and the blinking lights were practically blinding. I heard voices shouting all sorts of medical terminology at each other, that sounded foreign to me.

"Al? Alex stay with me. Keep talking to me. Keeping looking at me. Come on mate." I whispered clutching his hand tight.

"It's all down to you. Do it for me. You can save these people, give them a better life. Do it for me" Alex forced out each word.

"But what about you?"

"I don't matter anymore. Hey look after Charlie for me. Keep Narlie going, you will have a great future together. I know these things." at that his eyes closed slowly, his chest rose and lowered deeply.

"Al?...Al?...Alex. Don't leave me now. Please. Alex!" I started to shake him, even though I knew that the chances looked slim. I couldn't control myself. I let out an outburst of emotions which rolled through the air. I heard the crunch if leaves and twigs behind me, then Alex was swiftly pulled away from me. His body looked minuscule compared to the size of the paramedics tending to him. They started to look at each other nervously, one of them murmured something and the others all nodded in synchronization, before lifting him up and walking briskly over to the ambulance, before shutting the doors hastily and speeding off.

They left us, left me lost and clueless.

I heard another rustle behind me which caused me to look over behind me to see Aiden, Noah, Emily and Charlie towering over me. Noah bent down over and rubbed my back sympathetically.

"I don't need your pity Noah" I snapped. He knew that I didn't mean to snap at him, but stepped away anyway.

"He was the first of us to fall. He not only was he in pain but in fear. He was 21. 21. Had his whole life ahead of him." I said barely speaking at all.

"You don't know what's going to happen. He might be fine and be back to his normal nerdy, stupid self." Emily said standing closer to Noah.

"That's the point Emily. Might. That means that there is a possibility-" A long silence followed and no one said anything. "He took it all away in one second!" I screamed. "I just don't understand." That's when I broke.

Alex. Why did you have to be so stupidly fearless?

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