Dave; Springtrap

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As soon as Kevin walked in, I hoped he wouldn't see the girl. I had shoved her in the corner, and the blood was everywhere.

"Um, Dave?" Kevin asked, his eyes looking from the blood to James. "What is this?"
"Juice..." I said. "The boy spilled his juice!"

Okay... So far, so good. "Okay then," Kevin said. "I'll clean this up, then."

Oohh... "Okay..." I grabbed James's hand. "Let's go!" I marched the kid to the Boy's Bathroom. "You didn't see anything. Got it? Nothing!" The boy nodded.


"Freak!" A bully said. I stumbled back, hoping he couldn't strike me.

"Leave him alone!" A girl said, pushing past the bully.

"Looks like Dave here has a girlfriend," James laughed.

(That's right. His name was James!!)

The girl helped me up. "Let's go," she smiled.


"That was nice of you," I mumbled to the girl. Her blonde hair and blue eyes sparkled in the sun.

"No problem," she said, holding a hand over her eyes. "Want me to walk you home?"

"Um, I'm good," I said. Dad would make fun of me if I came home with a girl, I think. So I ran home, clutching my backpack to my heart.

As soon as I opened the door, I wished I hadn't. There was Dad, grinning like a maniac, holding a knife over Mom's heart. "Oh, look here, Kylee," Dad says. "A little friend came to watch you die!"

"Daddy, don't!" I screamed. Mom's red hair spread across the counter. Her blue eyes stared at Dad. He was evil. She was right. "Don't hurt Mommy!"

"Colton, don't!" Mom said, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I love you," she said.

Dad raised his knife and poised it over her heart, his smile growing.

"Dave, run!" Mom called to me. Dad let his hand down, piercing Mom. Blood spread across the counter.

"Mommy!" I yelled. I turned and ran out the door.

"Get back here, Dave!" Dad called. He couldn't run good. He had broke his ankle.

But my mom was gone. My own father killed her. Something inside me liked that she was gone. That was the bad side. I thought about all she'd done for me.

So now you know why I did this. Revenge. I resented my father, yet I took something he'd done and turned it into my action. I killed an innocent kid. A girl.

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