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"J-J-Jaxon?" Kinley felt like she had been impaled.

Jaxon had gone slump, his rugged brown hair covering his eyes. How was he was so adorable? Kinley would think.

Ian's eyes were wide with fear, and quickly filling with tears. "Get away!!!"

Dave snorted. "Kids these days. So gullible. Right, James?"

"James." Jaxon mumbled, "don't forget me. And yes, Kinley, I stole the secret." Dave snickered.

James screamed. Sitting at his feet was a head. Jaxon's head. He was killed. "Two down, three to go. Do you want to know why I'm doing this?"

"No." A new voice said from the doorway. "We know enough." Kevin said, acquainted by Jaxon's mother and father.

"Sad thing is, there's no proof. We don't have a camera in here. We can live with that, right?" He chuckled. "But Kevin, escort these elderly-"

"Hey! I'm only 32!" Jaxon's mother protested.

"Young parents to the front door."


"Then I guess.." Dave swung the axe, bringing it down on him and cutting his head into the shape of an old class phone. "Hah, hah! This is quite fun!"

Jaxon's mother just stared. What happened here wasn't something to be a part of.

Depths of the Darkness (A FNaF Backstory)Where stories live. Discover now