••• Twenty-Five •••

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He was gone the moment the sun arose from its slumber, the sunlight streaming into the dark house, windows allowing the light to flood the very home where no good should ever be allowed. Nixon left with his luggage in hand, kissing my forehead as he told me that we would be together again soon. As for me, I watched from the front door as he drove off, offering me a kind smile as I faked one in return. We both faked our smiles, knowing full well what had happened just recently was enough to keep us both on the edge. He knows what I think and he knows I will not simply just ignore his warning and be the good little Luna. After all, he made me into someone that broke the rules. Just a year ago I was someone who never broke the rules nor stuck my nose where it did not belong. I owe my change to Nixon, how I lied to my parents and went behind my backs. As I did to my parents, I will do to Nixon. I will lie and go behind his back. He expects this from me, he does, and I have no idea what he will do if I uncover much more than he wanted me to ever find out.

The kitchen is silent today, the only noise are my footsteps upon the wooden floor as I grab my cup of coffee. Today I will chat with Mrs. Adams. Today I will try and uncover who Gavin is to Nixon, to see if there's a purpose to why Gavin has sabotaged my sister but is still trying to help me in his own twisted way. As the coffee aids me in waking up, I head back up the stairs, a clean outfit on for the day as I pull my hair back and look at the girl in the mirror. She's tired, she's hiding behind a façade, her hazel eyes dulling out, long brown locks pulled back tight as it allows the viewer to see her hollow smile, yet she still seems the same. She would look no different from a year ago to the average onlooker unless you remembered a once happy and innocent Lily Kippers, the one to find optimism as her best friend and look forward to the year ahead. To the public, she seems the same until you dig deeper. I look nothing like how I feel.

Grabbing my purse, I head down the stairs, opening the grand entrance door, the sunlight warming my skin. As I lock up, I glance to the Adam's house, sitting peaceful as I know what must be done.

My feet carry me fast as I head for the house, palms becoming sweaty as I take in a deep breath. On the front porch, I knock at the wooden door, awaiting the woman of the house to answer and for me to ask away.

"Lily?" Looking up, Mrs. Adams stands before me, dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a casual pink blouse. "What can I do for you?"

She's one of the few I trust. "You've been part of this pack quite some time, correct?" I ask, watching as she nods. Opening the door more, she invites me in, knowing that I have an important question to ask that may require some background story. As we take our seats in the living room, I take in a shaky breath and watch as she motions for me to speak. "Was there ever a man by the name of Gavin in your pack who Nixon banished?" I ask, talking rather quick as Mrs. Adams sits back in her seat.

"You have no idea where you stand in this pack, do you?" I raise an eyebrow, unsure of what she means. "The moment you stepped foot into Nixon's house you were already treading on thin ice, and now, Lily, your swimming with sharks in the deep end." My skin pales as Mrs. Adams lets out a sign, hopelessness filling her gaze. "With Gavin in the mix...goddess I should have done something."

"What do you mean?" I ask, my voice shaky as Mrs. Adams runs a stressful hand through her hair.

"Nixon was bad enough, Lily. The pack, our pack that you are part of taking charge over, there are unspoken rules. You never speak to Nixon unless spoken to, never turn your back to him, never insult him, hell, never say anything bad about him," she starts off as goosebumps cover my entire body. "These unspoken rules were never around until the word of my sister was found dead."

"You're saying that Nixon's pack is afraid of him?"

She nods. "People say Nixon killed his wife and Luna, that he killed my sister all because he could not handle someone replacing him. Lillian was replacing him with Zion after their marriage was headed downhill." My throat becomes dry. "Nixon's pack fears he could kill them as well and get away with it."

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