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Connor looked down at his timetable and studied the room number. Once he memorized it, he started wondering down the halls.

One of the perks of having a rolling oxygen tank was the storage that came with it. He was able to store all of his things for school in it, so there was no need for a locker.

A great way to avoid being slammed into a locker, he thought to himself.

He found his first classroom in a mere three minutes, thanking his lucky stars that he wasn't late. If he was, that on top of his cannula would result in every person in the room staring at him which is definitely something he didn't want.

He walked into the room and made a b-line for the teacher, avoiding all the faces that he just knew were staring holes into his back.

"H-hi. Where can I sit?" He asked the teacher, feeling beyond awkward as the classroom fell silent.

The teacher then did the basic welcoming of the new student before sending Connor to a seat in the back of the room. He was thankful there was no one in the seat next to him, because he knew he wasn't ready for all the questions on his condition.

The ear-ringing bell sounded and class started. Biology. Connor really loved science, so he knew this would be his favourite class.

And then the door swung open.

"Sorry I'm late," the same curly haired boy from before ran into the room, catching his breath.

"It's fine, Mr. Simpson" the teacher sighed.

The boy went to the seat right next to Connor. Great.

Connor just stared at him. Not in a 'wow he's so beautiful' way, but more of a 'why are you here' way.

"Hey, I know you." the boy said, turning his head to meet Connors gaze.

"Well, you don't technically know me." The sick boy mumbled.

"Someone's sassy. I'm Brad." The boy held his hand out.

Connor looked down at Brad's hand and then back up at his chocolate brown eyes before shaking his hand. "Connor" he returned

"Wow, your hands are cold." Brad stated and pulled his hand away slowly.

"Cold and under oxygenated are two different things." Connor retorted.

"Do you need help getting around the school to your other classes?" Brad asked.

"Connor and Bradley, do I really have to separate you?" The teacher called.

"No sir" Connor said shakily.

"Sorry, sir" Brad added and looked to the white board where the teacher was drawing a representation of DNA and RNA.

Connor still couldn't bring himself to pay attention to the lesson. Brad completely dumbfounded him. The sick boy knew he had been nothing but rude to Brad since class started, yet he still cared enough to ask if he needed help. And on top of that, Brad hadn't said anything about his obvious condition. He wasn't even curious.

It seemed Brad intrigued Connor more than Connor intrigued Brad.

This was an entirely new concept for the boy and he knew it would take a while to get used to.

I'm updating again because the notifications I got from the last part really made my day:,)
I really hope you guys are enjoying this!!

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