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The two boys' lips meshed together perfectly. Brads arms quickly found their way around Connors waist, pulling the boy into his lap. He wanted as much of Connor as he could get, without going too far of course.

Connor's cold hands were placed on either side of the curly haired boy's neck, his nimble fingers starting to mess with Brad's curls at the base of his neck.

Neither of them had a problem with their sexuality, they had completely accepted it. However, they both had a problem with society's views on it. But in this moment, every thought of being different and never being a "normal" couple completely washed from their heads. This was perfect to them. This was their normal.

They were both so incredibly overwhelmed by their feelings for each other, but this one kiss is changing everything.

They pulled away slowly, Connor leaning his head forward to press their foreheads together.

"Connor Ball, I am intent on turning your life around." Brad murmured.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I'll start by asking you to be mine." The curly haired boy opened his eyes, the colors of earth and water clashing together.

Connors face lit up, his permanently sad expression disappearing. It seemed for a moment that it would never return.

"And I'll continue by saying yes." The sick boy returned.

They've gone seventeen years of their lives thinking they'd never find someone. Cats weren't even an option for Connor. They were scared they would die alone, Connor especially. These thoughts flooded the sick boys head and he quickly realized what a horrible thing he's done.

You heard it from Hazel Grace Lancaster in another story, and it doesn't really hit home to you. But to Connor, it does. Cancer is a grenade. A bomb with the worst explosion imaginable. Not only does the patient die, but everyone around them dies inside. The eight stages of grief jump straight to depression, as denial, emotional release, anger, and bargaining came with the diagnosis. Connor wanted to leave this world knowing that people he loved wouldn't shut their life down over him. He needed to metaphorically get people into a shelter from his explosive. Instead he's only letting more people into the minefield.

Connors face quickly showed all of the emotions running through his head. Brad immediately noticed.

"Are you okay, Con?" Brad questioned, gently placing two fingers under the boys chin to lift his head slightly.

"I want to be, Brad." His voice was wobbly.

Brad furrowed his brow, staring intently at the boy.

"When I die, you're going to be stuck. I'll be the reason you're stuck." A tear slipped down Connors cheek.

"Why are you thinking like that?" Brad gently wiped Connors tear, but the boy quickly pushed his hand away.

"Because it's all I can think anymore. I'm tired of trying to be positive. I'm not getting better. I'll never get better. Nothing ever works for me." He looked down, "nothing." He whispered.

"Connor, what's your purpose?" Brad questioned, sitting back on his hands.

"My what?"

"You're purpose in life?"

"Probably to die." He muttered.

"That's what I thought mine was until I met you." Brad returned.

Connor looked up at the brown eyed boy, his heart melting at the softness of his expression.

"You're my purpose Connor. And I'm not going to let you push me away. Nothing is going to keep me away from you."

"Bradley, I really don't-"

"I said nothing, Connor." Brad interrupted.

Connor just nodded in reply. That's all his family could do anymore.

Brad leaned forward again and pulled Connor into a hug, causing the boy to bury himself in the elder's chest.

"How bout you get dressed for bed, and I'll tell my mum I'm staying here." He said softly into the boys hair, placing a kiss on top of his head afterwards.

The smaller boy nodded before getting up and walking into the bathroom connected to his room.

Brad watched Connor walk away before pulling out his phone and texting James, yes, James. Brad wouldn't tell anyone, but he left his home as soon as he turned eighteen. He didn't feel welcome in a homophobic home. So he went to live with his best friend James, whose family gladly welcomed a new member. Honestly, Brad couldn't wait to graduate.

He looked up from his phone when Connor shuffled in wearing loose grey sweats and a plain white t shirt. He didn't even have to try, and he was still attractive to Brad.

"Would you like something for bed?" Connor mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"Yes please." Brad returned.

Connor turned around and grabbed another pair of sweats before throwing them at Brad. He did have a lot of sweatpants, but that's because they're more comfortable in the hospital.

Connor sat on the bed and connected his cannula to his night oxygen tank. Before he turned it on, he looked up at Brad who had already changed.

"Are you sure this won't bother you?" Connor questioned and flipped the power on, a low humming noise instantly coming from it.

"Yes, it's fine Connor." Brad chuckled.

"Okay. Come hold me."  Connor said once he was under the covers.

Brad grinned before climbing in bed with the boy and wrapping his arms around him. They both fell asleep with ease for once.

Biting It // Bronnor au Where stories live. Discover now