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The obnoxiously loud bell rang, signaling the end of class. But Connor was so wrapped up in his lesson, he wasn't at all prepared to leave. He started to get flustered as he closed his notebook and tried to shove it into his bag along with his pencil.

"Whoa, whoa. Take it easy, Con, I'll help you." Brad said calmly and started to ease Connors things into the tank bag.

"Thanks," Connor said quietly.

"No problem." The boy replied, standing up. "So, now that we can't be interrupted, would you like some help finding your classes?"

Connor was about to say something like 'I'm able to handle myself, thanks' but he stopped himself. Brad seemed like the type of person he didn't want to shut out.

The sick boy has always had a hard time making friends. He always feels that they're only getting close to him just to tear him down.

But Brad made him feel different and he didn't know what it was about the boy that made him so special. He had to get to the bottom of his feelings.

"That would be great, thanks." Connor replied as he picked up his oxygen tanks and started to put the straps on.

"Hey, do you want me to carry that for you? It seems pretty heavy." Brad questioned, his brown eyes laced with concern.

"I-it is really heavy." Connor admitted. He really wasn't the type of person to ask for help. He didn't want to become his illness. He was truly in denial about it.

But once again, Brad is doing something to him. It has to be mind control or something like that.

Yep. Mind control.

He watched as Brad picked up his own bag and threw it over one shoulder and then Connors oxygen tank and careful put it on the other shoulder.

Connor found himself staring- no, admiring the boys strength. He can't be doing this. Not now. It's the first day of school, calm down.

"Let me see your timetable so I know where I'm going." Brad said calmly.

Connor fumbled around in his pocket and pulled out a slightly crumpled piece of paper before giving it to Brad.

"Hey, your next class is right next to mine." Brad said with a wide grin. "If you want, I'll wait for you outside and we can go to lunch together."

"Sounds great." Connor nodded. Having lunch with Brad would be fun.

The two started slowly moving down the halls, Connor having to walk rather close to Brad, since the tank he was attached to was on the brown-eyed boy's back.

"Here it is, Mr. Met." Brad stated as they stood in front of the dull looking maths classroom.

Brad took Connor into the classroom and up to the teacher. The sick boy introduced himself and the teacher sent him to the seat nearest to the door. They walked together to his seat and Connor sat down immediately, desperately needing a moment to breathe as Brad carefully placed Connors bag on the floor next to him.

"See you for lunch." Brad said with a cheery smile that made his eyes squint.

"Indeed." Connor returned.

He watched Brad leave to the room across from his and sit in the seat nearest to the door there.

Brad glanced back at Connor and winked as he sat down.

Great. Now I won't be able to pay attention to lessons.


Connor and Brad spent most of class staring at each other and making weird faces when they made eye contact. Once the horrid bell rang, Connor was prepared this time. He stood up, but before he could grab his bag, Brad had already ran into the room and put it on his back.

"I like carrying this." Brad stated.

"I like you carrying it." Connor let out a laugh.

A beautiful laugh, in Brads opinion. He was the type of person to judge someone on their laugh and smile. And Brad was truly loving Connor's.

"I'm glad." Brad returned.

The two talked about how boring their teachers were, even though both of them knew the other wasn't paying attention at all. When they entered the cafeteria, Connor instantly felt eyes on him. And then more eyes. And then more. Soon the cafeteria was almost silent.

Connor rolled his eyes. He was scared of the attention, but he wouldn't show it. He covered all his emotions with anger.

Brad led the sick boy to a table in the back of the cafeteria where two other boys, who were rather tall and lanky, were seated.

"James, Tris, this is Connor. Connor, this is James and Tristan. Now that we're all aquatinted, let's eat." Brad stated and sat down.

Connor sat down and pulled out his bag of lunch pills as well as a small sandwich.

"So, Connor. Um.." Tristan started.

"Are you sick?" James finished.

Brad rolled his eyes before shooting a glare at them. This confused Connor beyond belief.

"It's okay, Brad" Connor sighed and took his pills with some water. He took a deep breath and started. "My dad used to smoke around me a lot. So now I've got lung cancer. It's not really fun." Connor said. But it wasn't the whole truth. He wished it was.

"Wow, that's... That's horrible." Tristan stated the obvious.

"Thanks for telling us," Brad said, gently patting Connors back.

"No problem. I guess I'm used to explaining it by now." Connor returned and started to slowly eat his sandwich.

The rest of lunch was spent with the boys bonding. Connor thought he'd never make friends.

He needed to learn not to believe his mind.

I do this in school lolol who needs learning anyway.

Biting It // Bronnor au Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt