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CAUTION: hanky panky

The two sat happily at a table in the corner of the diner against a window. Brad had ordered a sandwich and Connor had a salad, considering not many menu choices didn't contain any nuts.

"How is your rabbit food?" Brad asked in reference to Connor's salad.

"It's great, thank you." The boy returned with a bit of attitude.

"Okay, with that attitude you don't get any of my chips." Brad teased.

"Nooo, Brad." Connor whined.

"What do you say?" Brad picked up a chip.


And then with both of them giggling, Brad fed Connor a chip. They were basically being that gaggy couple that made everyone want to be in a relationship like that, but also want to throw up at the same time. They loved it. Connor loved Brad, and at this point he didn't care who knew.

"So when we get home.." Brad started, placing his hand over the one Connor had rested on the table.

Connor felt the butterflies return, cause for once he knew what Brad was talking about.

"I've never done anything like that before." Connor murmured.

"I mean, if you don't want to.." Brad started to take his hand away, but Connor quickly grabbed it again.

"Well I never said I don't want to." A smirk played at the small boys lips.

A grin appeared on Brad's face as he started imagining how romantic their night would be.

"But now that I think about it, how will this work with my oxygen?" Connor asked with a giggle.

"I'll work around it." Brad said nonchalantly.

The two finished their dinner quickly after that conversation.


The two boys were quick to get to the point once they arrived home. Brad instantly pinned Connor against the nearest wall. Their lips meshed together in a heated and passionate kiss. Connor dug his hand into Brad's curls and rubbed some between his fingers.

Brad took the initiative to be the dominant one. He slid his hands down Connor's chest slowly, holding onto the bottom hem of his shirt.

"Wait." Connor murmured breathlessly and tried to calm his breathing. Brad looked in Connor's eyes to see what the meaning of the interruption was. Then after a second of breathing, Connor took off his cannula. If he's learned anything, it's that it's not very sexy to get a shirt caught on a cannula.

The elder boy grinned before pulling Connor's shirt off. The smaller then put his cannula back on in just enough time before Brad quickly connected their lips again.

They kept pulling away to pull off an item of clothing. Brads shirt. Their shoes. Connor's beanie. They were left in only their skinny jeans and boxers when Brad started to trail his lips away from his boyfriends lips. He moved across his sharp jawline, down his neck, across his collar bone. Once Brad found Connor's sweet spot, he continued to suck on his skin, kissing it a few times as well. He thought he needed to move this along, so he moved a hand down to the smaller boy's area and grabbed his member through his skinny jeans. Connor let out a moan, closing his eyes and tilting his head back in bliss. That's when Brad picked his boyfriend and put the tank on his back. Connor took the opportunity to suck on Brad's neck. He didn't really know what he's doing, but if the moans coming from Brad as they made their way upstairs was any consolation, he was doing pretty good.

Once they reached Connor's bedroom, Brad put the smaller boy on the bed on his back. He then swiftly took Connor's skinny jeans off, which seemed impossible but somehow he managed to do it. He must have magic powers or something. Brad then pulled his jeans off so both boys were in their boxers.

"God, you're so beautiful." Brad said, his voice was low and really really sexy. Connor found himself trembling slightly at his tone.

Before the boy could respond, Brad had bent down over him and started trailing kisses along Connor's stomach. He clearly didn't have abs, but it was somehow still sculpted. Connor let out little whimpers as Brad moved his kisses down his v-line. The elder slowly moved his hands up Connor's legs, hooking his fingers under the band of his boxers before tugging them down. Connor let out a moan as Brads lips got closer to where he needed them. Finally, Brad's lips closed around his member.

Connor was pleasured to his high-point and then heat rose in his core. "Brad.." He croaked out. The boy pulled away just in time.

Connor sat up after regaining his composure and Brad instantly pounced towards him. They kissed deeply as Brad pushed Connor back onto the bed. They laid on their sides and kissed so passionately it felt like their lips were on fire. Their lips were tingling. Brad was taken off guard when he felt a hand wrap around his member. He moaned against Connor's lips as he drew closer to his climax.

In the end, both boys were left sweaty and quite a mess.

Their bodied were pressed together, mixing all the liqui- it was gross, okay?

"God, I feel like such a sticky mess" Connor giggled.

"We could take a shower." Brad suggested, a smirk playing at his lips

"That sounds great, but showers never really work out for me. Water gets in the cannula and.. Yeah."

"Then how about a bubble bath?"

"Alright." Connor smiled, "but don't try anything funny, mister." He scolded playfully.

"No promises." Brad said before lightly pecking Connor's already swollen lips, in turn getting a giggle from Connor. "I'll get the water on, come in when you're ready." Brad said before crawling off the bed and going into Connor's ensuite.

This gave the smaller boy enough time to takes a few deep breaths, which he was grateful for. Sometimes he just needed a second. Brad literally and metaphorically takes his breath away.

A few minutes later, the boy picked up his tank and carried it into the bathroom. He placed it on the floor beside the bathtub before climbing in. Brad was already seated, so Connor just curled up between his legs and the elder wrapped his arms around him.

"So you're innocent everywhere except in bed?" Brad teased after a while of them soaking in silence.

"Shut up." Connor said in a polite way and gently patted Brads chest, his eyes remained closed because he almost fell asleep before Brad started talking.

The elder let out a happy laugh before kissing his boyfriends fluffy hair. "Let's get ready for bed, love." His arms slipped off of Connor's body.

The two climbed out of the bathtub and Brad grabbed a towel before walking to Connor and wrapping it around his body. Connor giggled happily and watched Brad get another towel and tie it around his own waist.

As Brad drained the tub and changed the bed sheets, which was probably a good idea, Connor grabbed his oxygen tank and put it on his back, keeping the towel draped over him as he walked downstairs to take his nightly pills. As he made his way toward the kitchen, he got a happy feeling at the sight of their clothes scattered around the entryway.

After his nightly dose, Connor walked back upstairs and changed out his oxygen tank. Oh the burdens of a nightly routine. He wished he could just go to bed without having to do so much.

He dropped his towel on the floor and climbed into bed with Brad, who instantly wrapped his arms around the smaller.

"You did it, Brad." Connor murmured.


"For one night, you made me forget I have cancer."

So... The longest chapter of the entire series is smut. I'm disappointed in myself lmao

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