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Connor was sat alone in his room, tossing a ball to the wall across from him. He was bored out of his mind. Normally he'd text Brad, and it had been a while and they're starting to get closer again, but it just didn't feel right to text him.

Distance is a valuable thing after a break up.

Why was Connor so bored, you ask? He was put on bed rest because of his lack of ability to take his medicine. He was weak, cold, and could barely breathe. But he was slowly regaining his strength. It would definitely take a while, however.

You could see his fatigue in his face. His bright blue eyes were dull, dark circles underneath. His usual smile was turned down into a frown. His hair was stuck to his forehead.

He had slept so much, yet nothing helped. It seemed that he jumped off a cliff and had to build the ladder out himself.

He had probably listened to all of his Twenty One Pilots albums at least twenty three times. He had nothing to check on his phone because he was always up to date on his timelines. He was missing school and didn't know how he could get his make up work to do. He was stuck.

"Fucking hell." He grumbled when his bouncy ball didn't come back to him. He let out an angsty groan and slumped back in his bed.

The boy glanced around his room, not having much time to take in his surroundings before his phone started to ring.

He was shocked when he saw the name appear on his screen.

"Brad?" Connor said once he picked up the phone.

"Can I come over?" Brad asked softly.

"Yeah, of course." Connor said, his eyebrows furrowing.

The conversation ended with a monotone beep and the door bell rang right after. Brad must have called from outside.

Hearing the soft sound of conversation between Brad and Connors mum, he started to fix his hair and push all of his snacks under the bed so he wouldn't look like a fat pig.

"Hey." Brad said, walking into the room with his backpack.

"Um.. Hi?" Connor said, his tone questioning and his voice hoarse.

"I wanted to tell you why..." He cleared his throat, "why I'm taking those pills."

With a little nod, the smaller boy patted the spot next to him on his bed. Brad then slipped his shoes off and dropped his backpack on the floor before climbing under the covers next to Connor, something the smaller didn't expect.

The two were lying on their sides, facing each other. There was so much sexual tension in the atmosphere it could choke someone. Connor, being a supportive 'friend', took Brad's hand in his before nodding for him to start.

"So.. When I was younger, i had a hard time accepting my sexuality. It was the first day of high school that I really started to see myself as gay...

Brad pushed his curly hair up into a puffy quiff. He straightened up his light blue sweater and took a deep breath before going downstairs. He had finally come to terms with his sexuality and he was more than ready to take this on. The only thing he needed was to make sure his mum and dad would accept him.

The boy entered the kitchen where his parents were enjoying breakfast and picked up a banana before joining them at the table.

"Did you sleep well, Bradley?" His mum asked.

"I did, actually." He replied.

It was such a shock because the poor boy struggled with insomnia. He could rarely get a good night's rest.

"That's good, dear."  She responded.

With a deep breath, Brad decided to begin.

"Mum, dad. Would you support me on anything?"

"That depends on what you want us to support." His dad replied, placing his news paper on the table.

"I... Well I haven't really been happy with myself for a long time." The boy cleared his throat before continuing, "and I finally know why."

"Why, Bradley?" His mum asked, fear present in her tone.

"I'm g-gay.. I'm gay." He stuttered.

He looked at their faces, trying to find some sort of happiness.

Then his dad started laughing.

"You're kidding, right?" He then grew more stern, "you're kidding."

"N-no." Brad started to curl up in his seat.

"No son of mine is allowed to look at men the way he should look at women." He growled.

"B-but da-"

"You're disgusting, Bradley." His mum hissed.

Left and right was only insults. He started to cry viciously.

"Get the hell out of my house. Don't come back until you want to be my son again."

"And after that I had to move in with James. I was on the pills then, but it started getting worse when I started to miss home, oddly. I just feel like I don't belong anywhere." Brad explained, not noticing he was crying until he choked on his tears.

Connor was crying too. He couldn't imagine someone like Brad being treated like that. He had intertwined his fingers with Brads and held his hand close.

"I'm so sorry, bear." He whispered.

"It's not like it's your fault." Brad mumbled, looking down.

Connor's instincts forced him to wrap his arm around the boy and pull him closer to his body. He held Brad close, playing with his curls as he tried to get him to relax.

I am honestly shocked at how much you guys are enjoying this lmao
Here's the joke of the day:
Im really good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet.
I don't know Y.

Thank you for commenting, it really makes my day to read them all:)

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