Curiosity killed the...

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Child's innocence
"Daddy?" you called through the empty halls your voice echoing as you called. You've been searching for at least twenty minutes now and you still can't find either of them. But as you walked through the halls you heard grunting or growling coming from your dads' room.
"Daddy?" you asked as you pushed open the door to see Tony and Steve pressed up against each other kissing. You let out a yelp and covered your eyes. They both looked over with shock.
"I told you to lock the door," Tony exclaimed as Steve rushed over to you and picked up your small body.
"Aw Tony," Steve started but was cut off.
"I know," Tony said rolling his eyes but smiling. You had your big (e/c) eyes open wide, you were giving them the puppy eyes and they fell for it. I mean who could resist those beautiful eyes. They made anyone's heart melt, even Loki. But you don't get to see Loki anymore because he threaten to obliterate the tower blah blah blah...
"What do want princess?" Steve asked looking into your eyes.
"I want'd to ask when Notasha was coming again," you stated in a cute little baby voice and miss pronouncing words.
"Well darling," Steve spoke, "She's on a mission but I'm sure she'll be back soon."
Meanwhile where Natasha is at
There were Hydra agents coming for me left and right. It was suppose to be a simple mission, in and out done. But someone just had to pull off the alarm. And here I am banging some guy's face into pavement. No matter how much I try they keep coming. Then the most surprising thing happened.
I got a call on my phone piece. I clicked accept still fighting the Hydra agents.
"Hello?" I asked nicely.
"Hiiii Notasha!!!" I heard Y/n shout awww my baby. She made me smile as I kept fighting.
"Hello darling," I replied calmly finally defeating the last guy by kicking him in the groin, "What's up?"
"When are comning home?" she asked in a cute little voice.
"Soon soon," I said heading for the exit stepping over the bodies.
"Wheennnnssss soooon?!!!" she asked.
"An hour at the least," I replied opening the door and looking back at my work. Damn I'm a badass. I closed the door and left.
"Yay!" she cheered.
"Y/n who are you talking to?" I heard Tony.
"No one daddy!" she said quickly, "I gotta go Notasha, Bye!"
Back to Y/n POV
"Did you call Natasha?!" Tony yelled/shouted.
"Maybe..." you replied innocently.
"What's going on?" Steve asked as he walked into the room.
"Y/n just called Black Widow on an important mission!" Tony exclaimed loudly.
"Oh that's nice," Steve said smiling, "When's she coming home?"
"She said in at least an hour," you replied while Tony stood there with his arms crossed looking surprised.
"Seriously?" Tony asked, "She could've jeopardized Natasha's mission."
"Oh don't under estimate Natasha," Steve said patting his shoulder, "She's a big girl Tony she can handle herself."
"Yeah ok," Tony said sighing and looking down and squeezing the bridge of his nose. You giggled and smiled faintly.
"What're are you laughing about?" Tony asked before picking you up and tickling you.

Adopted by Stony (Tony x Steve) (Avengers) (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now