Goodnight Dorito

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Tony POV
I know it's wrong, but I have to protect Y/n. I'm sending her away. Somewhere safe. Heck I'm not even telling Steve. I just want to protect her. I know she's young, but when you're young you can't hide anything. For all I know she could be showing off her new abilities to director Fury.
If Director Fury was to find out, he would send her away.
But before I do anything dire I want to ask Steve what his opinion is.
"Hey Steve," I get his attention as we lay together in bed.
"Yes Tony?" he asked turning over to me.
"Do you think we should let Fury know about Y/n?" I asked, he looked like he was deep thinking.
"It might be what's best," he said, "We may not be able to understand Y/n's ability, this could get us in a lot of trouble."
"But I don't want her to join the Avengers Steve, what if she gets hurt?"
"Injuries heal Tony,"
"What if Fury wants to train her all the time and we never get to see her?"
Steve paused for a moment.
"Okay that, I am unsure of."
"We have to do something!" I whined. Steve chuckled, asshat.
"Tony we have to tell Fury, she could lose control and hurt someone, do you really want that to happen?" Steve proclaimed ending with a question. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and cuddled closer to him.
"No, fine, I'll call Fury in the morning," I gave in feeling a little anxious.
"I know you won't regret it," Steve replied holding me closer in his strong arms.
"Yea ok Dorito, Goodnight," I replied before closing my eyes.

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