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"Friends!" you heard your favorite god of poptarts yell through your home.
"Thoooor!!!!!" you yelled as you ran to him and he picked up your small body and hugged you. When you looked behind him you saw Loki!
"Lokitty!!!" you literally screeched.
"Oh goodness no," you heard Loki say covering his ears but you could tell he was trying to hide a smile. You jumped out of Thor's arms and ran over to Loki and hugged his legs.
"Please release me tiny mortal," he said rolling his eyes.
"Up!" you shouted reaching up your arms. Loki rolled his eyes.
"If that is what you desire," Loki said dully lifting you off the ground. He looked into your bright beautiful e/c orbs and you smiled brightly, he couldn't help but smile back.
"Awww look at Lokitty and Y/n," Natasha came around the corner holding a camera.
"This is just too cute!" Clint shouted from the air vent, also holding a camera.
"Could you not?!" Loki shouted embarrassingly putting you gently onto the floor, you giggled and he smiled, revealing his bright white teeth. You can make anyone smile, even Bucky, and that was a hard task.

Adopted by Stony (Tony x Steve) (Avengers) (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now