How to Make

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A Super Soldier Smile (Title was too long for title box)
Your POV
You slowly crept up on the super soldier as he slept in an office chair. His snoring filled your little ears as you got closer.
"Boo!" You yelled and Bucky jumped and so did his boiling hot coffee.
"Ugh!" He groaned, hot coffee all over his red shirt,"Y/n."
"H-hi uwncle Bucky," she said quietly trying to sound innocent. He gave you an angry glare and stomped out of the room. Your face set with determination. YOU WERE GOING TO MAKE BUCKY SMILE, NO MATTER WHAT.
You knew your great plan would work this time. You asked your dad for last year's Halloween costume, a Spider-Man suit, and went to uncle Bucky's room.
You calmly waited until you could hear footsteps coming towards the door. The door opened and the "Boo!" came spilling of your tongue.
Bucky screamed and landed on his butt.
His hand clasped on his heart and he started mumbling things.... "Spider-Man" "Webs" "Complimenting my arm".
It was like he was having Civil War flash backs....
Then your dad started running the hall.
"Oh my god Buck, are you alright? talk to me!" Your patriotic father rambled while you stood and stared mindless at the scene.
"The-the c-civil war, S-spider... spider webs... so sticky....," well you broke your uncle....
You began to walk away without being seen but your dad stopped you.
"Oh no Y/n, you're trouble, go to your room until I tell you to come out," he said while trying to comfort his friend. Maybe this wasn't a good idea....
Tears rolled down your face as you sat on your bed, Spider-Man mask off. You just wanted to help make your uncle Bucky happy. Now your trouble because you messed up, again. You wiped your eyes. You were now more determined than ever. You were going to make him a card. 
You acted quickly and folded a sheet of paper in half. On the front you wrote "I am Sorry" with a crying face. Then on the inside you drew a picture of you and your uncle Bucky with a question mark afterwards.
After folding another piece of paper to look like an envelope you quickly made your way through the hall, spider mask on. You gripped the ceiling tight with your spider fingers. You paid attention to the floor below below you until bam.
You nearly but someone caught you and you had caught your card with your web. You up and there was Peter, holding you with his web.
"Y/n?!" He whisper-yelled so the people below wouldn't hear.
"Hi Petwer," you mumbled innocently. He pulled you back up to the ceiling.
"What are you doing out here?!" He questioned.
"I was bringing uncwle Bucky a a-polo-gy note," you whispered.
"Y/n, you're trouble, I wish I could be the cool big kid right now but you have to go to your room," he whispered sadly.
"But my note, I-I have to tell Bwucky I'm sworry," your eyes began to flood again. Peter looked scared.
"Fine," he said, you looked at him, "I'll slip it his door, write your name."
He handed you a pen. You sloppily wrote your name and handed it to him.
"Don't lose it, okay?" You requested.
"Would never dream of it," you both went in opposite directions.
You sat on your bed wondering if Bucky got your sorry note. Then there was a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You yelled.
"You are too loud kid," the super soldier said wiping his hand over his face and through his hair.
"Sorry," you mumbled looking down.
"Hey woah, no, it's okay, I was joking," he said sitting next to you.
"Did you get my note?" You asked with hopeful eyes. He smiled... wait what?!... and looked at paper in his hand.
"Yeah I did," he said still smiling. You stood up on your bed and started jumping up and down. He stared at you bewildered. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I made you smile!" You cheered.
"Well I'm glad my happiness means that much to you kid," he said giving a small smile and hugged you back.

Terrible author right here. I'm sorry this took forever. I'm thinking about doing an age skip. Is that alright? Tell me if not in the comments, and give me a scenario for child you and the avengers!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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