Notasha is back mofo

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"Daaaaaaddy!!!!" You screamed while staring at the tablet with the security cameras on it. You saw Natasha stepping out of a black car.
"Yes beautiful?" Tony ask as he swung around the door frame, "Hey! I told you not to play with that!"
"She's a curious kid Tony don't bully her," Steve said as he walked in.
"Notasha's back!" you yelled at Steve. His face lit up.
"Maybe she can babysit tonight," Steve said, Tony nodded in agreement.
"Date night!" Tony yelled.
"Maybe a little more," Steve said before leaning in and kissing Tony.
"Ewwwww!" you shouted covering your eyes. Steve rolled his eyes and kissed your forehead.
"Let's go see Natasha," Steve said picking you up and putting you on his shoulders.
"Yaaaay!" you yelled as Steve carried you down the hall. You saw Natasha enter from the elevator wearing a dark purple blouse and skinny jeans along with some black boots.
"Notasha!" you yelled reaching for her.
"Awww if it isn't my most favorite monster," Natasha said taking you from Steve and holding you against her hip. Then you ran off to find a drawing you wanted to show Natasha.
"You think you can watch her tonight?" Steve asked.
"Yeah sure, you and Stark gonna get it on?" she asked with an eye brow wiggle.
"Just dinner," Tony said, "My ass can't take it anymore."
"Ooookay," Natasha said awkwardly, "Oh yeah, I found some info about
Y/n's experiments on my mission."
"Really? What did you find?" Tony asked looking worried.
"They had experimented a radioactive spider on her," she said pulling a folded piece of paper out of her pocket.
"So what?" Steve asked.
"Is she like that spiderman dude?" Tony asked giving that 'Oh god no' look.
"If all goes as they planned she will be able to use her powers when she's fourteen," Natasha explained.
"Wow that's in like nine years," Steve said.
"Yay can't wait," Tony said sarcastically.

Adopted by Stony (Tony x Steve) (Avengers) (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now