Chapter 17

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*3 months later*

Over the months Alex and Scott have got more comfortable in their relationship. They were comfortable kissing. After Alex had mentioned using tongues to kiss you should have seen Scotts face, they may be only 15 but they were pro by now. As awkward as it was at first.

Alex was doing well in his classes without Scott in some of them. He still looked forward to the classes they were together in as so did Scott. When they were together it just relaxed both of them. However, they had gotten better at being apart. Their parents did have their worries about their relationship because neither of them wanting to leave each other's side. When they got to be together they got to cuddle and kiss and make out and some how that made up for the times they weren't by each other's side. Their moms we're proud of them and happy. Although Scott still haves his moments he's Scott and Alex couldn't, wouldn't change that.

"You too are literally the cutest couple" Kirstie squealed, they have heard her say it a thousand times both.

"You keep saying that" Scott informed.

"I know but I just have to tell you every chance I get." Kirstie squeals again. "Are you going to Jakes Birthday party tomorrow?"

"I am but Scott has to go to the doctors" Alex answered, sadly.

"It's fine I don't know half the people going and I don't even like bowling." Scott assured.

"You will still be missed"

"Jake!!" Alex run over to give his friend a hug. "Happy Birthday" he said shoving a gift in his hands.

"Thank you! Where is Scott?"

" you're the third person to ask that and I've been her two minutes." Alex answered kinda annoyed.

"Well you always together.. Sorry"

"No no it's fine I just wish he was here, he had a doctors appointment." Jake nodded and hug him again.

"Thanks for my gift and I can't wait to beat your ass at bowling"

"Oh you're on!"

Everyone had fun playing and laughing at jokes people made the night drifted away with lots of laughs, food, cake and snaps and when Scott got home from his appointment and shopping he opened them all. It was so okay with not going but seeing his boyfriend having fun without him kinda made him feel things. As a snap of Alex and Jake hugging appeared on his screen before disappearing he felt this weird anger. Was he jealous? Jake and Alex had only recently in the last 2 months became friends because of art class. Scott locks his phone not wanting to see anymore and got ready for bed.

Alex Kirk: Goodnight Scotty, wish you could have come to the party today we had fun.

Scotty: Goodnight

Alex Kirk: what's wrong?

Alex could tell something was wrong from just one simple text.

Scotty: I'm jealous

Scott had no filter he just says it how it is. It can be a good thing but also his own little curse.

Alex Kirk: of who?

Scotty: Whom*
Scotty: You and Jake hugging.

Alex Kirk: I hug Kirstie all the time. He's a friend Scott nothing more and it was his birthday.

Scotty: I know

Alex Kirk: No need to be jealous.

Scotty: okay.

Scott didn't hear a reply for a minute until his phone started ringing.

"You know I love you, right?" Alex didn't even greet.

"Of course!" Scott assured.

"Good because i love you a lot."

"Me too" Alex smiled

"Goodnight Scotty"

"Goodnight Allie" Scott hung up and decided to put his headphones and play some music just to calm himself a little more so he could sleep.

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