Chapter 27

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I panic for half a second, but I realize I know the voice.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I sigh, turning around, accepting his kiss.

"Sorry." Liam smiles sheepishly. "Can I ask you something?"


Abby and Liam are standing ten feet from where Alyssa and I are.

"Can I ask you something?" Liam asks Abby.

"Yeah." She says.

"Why did you hang up on me earlier?"

It's quiet for a second, and I can just make out Abby's body, and Liam standing in front of her. I think his hands are in his pockets.

"You didn't say it back." She whispers.

"Say what back, babes?"

"I told you I loved you and you didn't say it back."


Women really are so innocent and carefree.

I'm interested as to how Liam is going to deal with it. He basically guilts her to apologize.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't hear you say it. I love you though, you know that."

But now I realize how wrong I am.

He's not guilting her into saying or doing anything.

He is genuinely sorry, even when it's not his fault.

Liam doesn't realize it.

She could drop a glass and get frustrated, and he would apologize.

He really, really loves her.

"I know you love me. I love you too. I'm sorry for being a drama queen today."

"You're not a drama queen. You're my whole life. You're not a drama queen. You're having a rough day. I understand."

She sighs.

It's funny because everyone is literally hiding less than twenty feet from them and they're under the impression that they're alone.

It's quiet for a while.

"You know something?" She asks.

"What?" he replies.

"Girls are very easily horny when they're on their period."

I fight laughter.

Liam snickers.

"I know." He says.

"When I get off mine, I'm going to call you and you're going to come over and we will have sex. It's been too long."

"We just had sex, like, six times in a row yesterday."

"I know." She snickers.


"We would've had sex today." She says, disappointed. "If you hadn't gotten blood on you. That was mortifying. I'm sorry."

"Love, I told you that didn't bother me. It's natural. It's a natural thing. And no, we probably wouldn't have had sex today. I was too concerned with making you feel good. I just wanted you happy."

"I know." She says.

This is a very intimate conversation and I feel extremely guilty for listening to it, but I can't help it.

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