I Care For You Pt.2

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"I'm saying I fucking love you you idiot!" Her words echoed through my brain. After y/n threw me out I couldn't just leave...I wanted to know why? Why she waited so long to tell me...
Why she hadn't just told me?
Why I hadn't even noticed her feelings for me? Why was I so goddamn stupid?

I sat on the steps leading to her front door and hung my head low I sighed knowing she'll never wanna speak to me again and I wouldn't blame her some of the shit I said to her was terrible... If she hated me I'd totally understand... I told her that she never stayed for anyone and just left when things stopped working out and that was why her relationships didn't last.

The irony in that is the very person she's stayed with and was there for
told her that she never stayed for anyone when that very someone was him... Now I feel so stupid and blind.
She probably feels so unappreciated..
For awhile I could hear her crying on the other side of the door but eventually it faded all I could hear was whimpers and soon nothing at all.

I didn't know I hurt her that bad but now I feel like absolute shit knowing I'm the cause of all of her pain.
I owe her an apology and I understand why she acted that way...I realize I don't deserve her love either...
Although she says that my current girlfriend doesn't deserve my love...
I don't deserve hers either...


After crying for awhile I decided to go upstairs and take a nice hot shower instead of going to bed right after. I decided maybe I'll go for a walk it's a nice day out and I could use some fresh air to help me calm down a bit more.

I walked downstairs opening my front door only to see Justin, his head in between his legs and his hands on his head I heard him sniffle a little before he rose his head and looked back at me.

"Y/N"he whispered slowly standing up.
But I quickly walked away as he tried to grab my waist once again I shoved him.
"Please just talk to me" "no Justin just leave,can't you just leave me alone?"
"No I can't I care about you and I hurt you and that's not okay with me I can't just go home and try to sleep knowing I made you cry like that and even caused you to act in a way I've never seen you act before... I love you y/n and nothing's gonna change about that either whether you hate me now or never wanna speak to me again I love you...I just wanna know why you took so long to tell me how you felt...."

"Because I knew you didn't feel the same but seeing as I now have nothing to lose....
I decided I should tell you anyways..."
I said before walking away.
"Where are you going?!"he called after me. "For a walk don't follow me"

"You know by telling me that I'm just gonna do it anyways right?"
I shrugged and continued walking.
He soon began to follow me as I picked up to a jogging pace he ran up and jogged next to me "let's talk"
"Let's not" I said speeding up.
"Please Y/N what do I have to do?"
"Suddenly you're interested in what you have to do for me to forgive you?"

"Of course I am I don't want to lose you" he says furrowing his eyebrows.
"You know what you have to do..?"
"What is it?"
"Leave me alone" I said coldly without a hint of emotion as I walked off.
I heard him sigh and curse under his breath as he walked back the opposite way.

When I came home from my walk his car was gone. I sighed in relief and walked into my house.. After another long shower I slipped into some shorts and a cami hearing my door bell ring I sighed "who is that it's 11pm" I dragged my feet to the door opening the door before checking which I found to be a huge mistake when I saw who was standing before me..

"Justin...just g-" "NO! N-no I'm not just gonna leave... I'm here like you were here for me and I'm sorry I'm sorry I said those things to you it was heartless of me and also blind of me to say those things when I was probably the reason you gave up your exes so easily" "Justin Don-"
"No! let me speak for once you always yell at me and get the last word in every argument now let me fucking speak!"

I was taken back by this I partially wanted to slap him in the face for yelling at me like that but I knew he had good intentions and he was right..

He took in harsh breaths, his chest going up and down "now... I get that you're mad at me and that you don't want to see me... But listen after all we've been through I can't just let you cry over me I'm not worth a single tear that comes from your beautiful eyes and god you're so beautiful I don't even deserve a girl like you and to think that you actually have or had feelings for me I'm flustered by it. Because you're like a dream come true and I see that I see it even more now with how much you care about me... "

I made direct eye contact with him through every word he said slowly getting lost in his beautiful hazel orbs.
"And I- I just can't shake the thought of being with you.. And I know that it's not good timing but I've always felt this way about you and I've held on to her so long because I thought you'd never love me the way I love you and I thought that I deserved someone who treated me poorly because I can't do anything right. But you've proved to me time and time again that you appreciate me and my efforts what little I do but I wanna give you what you deserve b-but only if you'll let me.."

"What do I deserve Justin what do you think I deserve" "The world" " you can't give me the world Justin"
"You're right but I can show you"
"If you'll let me..."
"Then Show me ...show me the world"
He smiled pulling me in closer to him.
"Well I'll start with this.."
And with that he kissed me passionately making my stomach erode with butterflies everything about this felt right and for once
I got a happy ending...

Lol this ending was so lame I'm sorry but y'all asked for a part two. Idk I wanted a happy ending for once :)) comment and don't forget to vote!

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