When I See You.

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You sit next to me
And my breath hitches
Your arm brushes mine
But it feels like getting stitches.

I know the thoughts that I think,
And the scenes I play out,
Are a waste of time
For we'll never work out.

I know you too well,
From far observation.
And when I see you
I see me too.

You're funny and smart.
You make everyone laugh.

You're goofy, silly
And a cutie.

But I can see past the mask.
I can see through the act.
I can see the small boy
Whose heart is starting to crack.

Afraid to let everyone
see all your flaws.
To see the true you,
The you who wants more.

You pretend to be stupid
In order to stay on your feet.
You lie to everyone
So your heart will still beat.

You want to impress everyone,
Be their first choice.
So you talk with everyone using a fake voice.

It breaks my heart to see you this way.
To see through the lie.
And it breaks my heart to see the real you saying "goodbye".

You're losing the old you!
Can you not see!
Or is your goal to be some one,
Just too big!

If you only took a deep breath and looked around,
You would see the people who love you,
And pick you off the ground.

You don't need those people to be cool!
You don't need to continue being a fool!

Be the real you and use your real voice.
Because once you do,
You might realise you're my first choice.

But even if you do realise
The way my heart beats,
You and I both know
We'll never meet.

We're both too anxious,
Too self conscious.
We're both too scared,
Our fear is constant.

To not know what the future has in store,
Too scared to even go near that door.

So we will just stay back,
Not a step further.
Neither of us want to be hurt or be the hurter.

So I'll stay far away
To not cause a scene,
For I care to much
To let either one of us be mean.

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