The Stages of Life

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There are many stages of life that we go through;
Pre teen,
Early adult,
Adult hood,
Then death.

But really, when you sum it up, it's;
Waiting to be born,
Then waiting to die.

We wait to be born, get thrown into a society that does strange activities, speak a funny language, spend half your life with one group of people before spending the second half with one. And then you wait to die together.

And in between being born and dying, you go through heart break, stress, violence, self-doubt, illnesses, injuries, and mourn for those who die before it's your time.

Your given a set of people to call your family whether you like them or not and live in a house with them until you hit the magic number.

You then choose random people that you 'connect with' and enjoy spending time with and call them your 'friends'. And the ones you favour are called 'best friends'.

You then spend the rest of your life looking for your 'soul mate' so you can 'spend the rest of your life with'. Or should I say 'die with'?

We've created something so impossible and so fragile just to forget that we live to die. And I think that's kind of amazing.

We, as humans, try to give meaning to our 'lives' so it won't hurt as much when we die. We try to 'enjoy ourselves' so it seems like time is moving faster, so we don't have to wait as long.

But the best part is that we haven't forgotten our fate; it's just in the back of our minds. We know it's there, we just don't want to look at it. And that is a choice we make.

We fill in the gaps between each stage, filling them with smiles, laughter, and good memories. But never without the bad times coming.

The real stages of life are; waiting to be born then waiting to die.

But as a society, we decided that the stages of life is being born, then growing into a toddler, then a kid, to a pre teen, a teen into a young adult, then an adult , and then finally death. At the end of the road, last but not least, and definitely in the back of the heads of those fortunate enough.

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