✨ Soulmate Series ✨

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They say that everyone has a soulmate somewhere, whether they're in a different state, from a different time period, in space, on a different team, with people you hate or they worked with your parents, they're out there somewhere.

It's a simple way of knowing; either their name shows up on your hand, a countdown shows up on your wrist or your powers becomes weaker. It happens to 250,000 people day, so it's not rare. But when it happens, it feels like the best feeling in the world. It's like you've won the lottery; the joy becomes overwhelming and you need too know more about them.

That's what happened to these 6 boys. All completely different: different names, personalities, qualities, interests, but all scarily look the same. Meet Sebastian, James (or Bucky), Chris, Lance, Chase and Thomas (or TJ). They all find their soulmate within a week of each other. Coincidence? Maybe. Strange? Possibly. Interesting? Definitely. Follow along with what happens to them as they find and meet their soulmate. Maybe they've already found them and hadn't realised. It could happen to anyone.

Feel anything on your hand? Writing perhaps? No?

Ever hear a strange ticking noise from your wrist? Not even a tock? No?

Then, your powers must be weakening? Don't have any powers? Are you sure?

Well, I guess you haven't found your soulmate then, or have you?...

Sebastian Stan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now