Levi x Male!reader lime

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XD okay thanks for reading the previous message and stuff so here's a update


You were in Levis office. Currently you were being straddled by the man. You don't quite remember how you ended up in this situation, but you couldn't exactly feel repulsed by the captain and this position. You gulped. He stared you down as his hands rested on your shoulders. "(L/N)," he said in a softer-than-normal voice. "Y-yes captain?" You said trying to stay calm.
       The corpal moved his him some as you gasp. You grip the chair your currently sitting in. Levi noticed and smirked slightly. "Oi, brat look at me." He commanded pulling your face up harshly. He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip that was slightly ajar. Then he slowly moved him thumb into you mouth. Then his finger.
       He removed his thumb and replaced it with two fingers. You blushed something fierce and closed your eyes. He slowly started to slide his hips up and down your lap. You moaned but it was muffled by the fingers in your mouth. Levi started to move the fingers around in your mouth while picking up the pace of his hips. You absentmindedly moved your hand from the chair and down towards your pants.
      Levi smirked and slapped your hand away softly. Your eyes opened as you felt Levi starting to unbutton your pants. "Hmmm, if your a good boy maybe I'll let you please yourself while I watch." He said watching as you blushed more.
     "HEY LEVI GUESS WHAT I JUST FOUND OUT-" just then a overly energetic four eyed read head burst into the room. "I RAN SOME TESTS ON ERENS TOOTH AN-" she froze with her crazy smile on her face and stared. "....." She looked down and get slowly and awkwardly walked out. "I'll uh, wait until your uh... Done..with...that........" She said and shut the door.
       Levi was slightly red in the face. He got off you and sighed. "Come back here after sleeping hours." He ordered. "Y-yes sir..." You said and ran off to your dorm, thinking about what's to come later. (Prolly you but 😂)


Maybe a part 2~? Dunno but yeah hear you go peeps. Enjoy all the sin

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