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AT FIRST, I didn't even know what I was running from. All I could hear was the sound of my thundering feet against the rough pavement, heels constantly colliding with the ground. It felt as though I was trying to escape from a monster that I could not see nor hear. My heart rate was rising, beating what felt like a thousand miles per hour as I breathed in and out quickly, dispelling the air from my lungs the second it rushed in.

Not too long after I had left the restaurant, I was brought down by yet another wave of unfortunate luck. The skies began to rain, darkness rolling in ominously like a wicked spell. Rain poured down in torrents, drenching me all the way through and soaking me down to the bones. I was left a shivering mess, my dress clad tightly against my bare skin when I finally found a shelter in which I could hide away from the downpour.

At the first public building I spotted, I quickly ran in, slamming the metal doors shut behind me as I leaned against it in an attempt to calm myself down and catch a breath. I've always had some rotten luck but today seemed to be the ultimate collection of them all. It was a miracle I was able to find somewhere to hide other than a stranger's porch.

When my heart rate slowly came down to its normal pace, I allowed myself a chance to scan the surroundings, taking in the sight before me. I don't know how I had not realized it but the air had gotten colder, temperature a little lower, and I was left trembling where I stood. It was not just for the fact that my clothes were soaked all the way through but also because the air conditioner was definitely left switched on even though the building seemed to be deserted-at least for the time being.

The air only got colder the further I ventured into the building, my shoes squelching against the rubbery floors. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around my body in an attempt to warm myself up. It did little to no help, only providing too little of warmth that I desperately craved for.

When I finally reached what seemed to be the center of the building, I noticed a large ice rink and a smile immediately found its way onto my face. A distant memory of Apollo bringing me to a skating ring flooded my mind but the happy feeling was immediately thrown away the second I remembered how exactly that day ended.

"Hello?" I called out, eyes darting around to search for any workers around to which I found none.

My voice bounced across wall after wall, returning in an array of volumes in the form of echoes when no reply came. Shrugging, I quickly padded my way towards the giant sign of the changing room, digging through my bag for the thin tee shirt and shorts that I had packed with me in case I grew uncomfortable with the dress that I wore. Planning ahead had never been my forte but for once, it came in handy. Thankfully, although the outer surface of my bag was wet to the touch, the contents inside still seemed to be dry.

It didn't take long for me to change, quickly shrugging out of my clammy dress and into a set of comfortable and dry clothes. In the matter of minutes, I was already walking around the place in search of a pair of ice skates that I could borrow for the time being. I easily spotted a few rental skates behind a counter, one that seemed much like the cashier system, and I immediately dropped my bag on one of the benches in the viewing areas before rushing to the shoes, clambering over to the other side to pick out a pair in my size.

I was flying. The second the blades of my skates hit the ice, I was soaring through the ice, the wind rushing through the damp strands of my hair as I whisked myself around. This time, I freely welcomed the cold that was currently creeping up my bare arms. The sensation was euphoric, one that I had missed dearly during my time away from the ice rink. Skating had been a long hobby of mine, somewhere in which I could find solace in other than the pages of my books. That was because every stroke, every kick, I was transported into a whimsical fairytale where I stood as the main protagonist, fighting the demons and monsters in my own unique way.

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