Marie 2 years later

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Hey it's me Marie again, so the last time you heard from us, we had just celebrated Aiden and Haley's first birthday. Well it's been 2 years now...don't I have a lot to tell y'all, let's begin with my little family.

"Babe, hurry up!" Screamed Isaiah as I was in the bathroom.
"Hold on babe." Something that came to my surprise, I was taking a pregnancy test. I look at it. Positive. Aiden and Haley are three years old so it was a good timing for our "third" child. It was my 19th birthday so I was happy. I open the door to Isaiah holding Aiden and Haley on his leg.
"Damn babe, took you long enough."
"Sorry about that had to be ready for tonight."
"Get the kids so I can shower."
"Okay, okay come on babies." I wasn't gonna tell him just yet. As he took his shower, I got everything together for the surprise and the kids were excited. Everything was in place when I heard Isaiah coming to the living room. I had Haley in a shirt that said "I'm gonna be big sister" and Aiden in one that said "I'm gonna be big brother" Isaiah looked at me, I had a maternity shirt that said "Mommy of 3" hint I knew a few weeks ago I was but threw away the test and wanted a keep sake. That's when Isaiah got down beside Aiden and Haley
"So, we getting another baby?"
"Daddy, mommy says we get a baby in the house again we can't wait!" Aiden said so excited.
"Sorry it took so long in the bathroom had to make sure, are u excited."
He gave me a kiss and put his hand on my belly. We got Aiden and Haley in the car and went to my party at his mom's house. I had the changed the kids. We had a bigger plan for the family.
"How's the birthday girl?" Nicole asked.
"Great, how are you, the twins and Troy doing."
We sat down and talked while the kids played. It was time for the surprise.
"Everyone gather outside for a few minutes!" I yelled out. Isaiah grabbed the camera as I got the kids ready, Isaiah gave the camera to Troy, he knew already. I gave the kids a plus sign they stood with Isaiah 3+ me hand my belly with me holding a poster that said =5. Troy filmed it all...finally Nicole got it lol she's so crazy.
"Omg, you're having another baby!"
That's when everyone got outta shock and started congratulating us. After 2 hours, we headed home.
"What a surprise!" Said Isaiah.
"Yeah I know, I go for an ultrasound tomorrow, can you take Aiden and Haley to preschool tomorrow."
"Yes baby, I wish I could be there but I got to work."
"I know babe,it's okay, you can come when you need to."
The next day, I got up and dressed and fixed breakfast. I got Aiden and Haley up and ready, then my baby. I gave him a kiss then headed to my appointment. After 30 minutes, I got called back. I laid down for my ultrasound, that's when the ultrasound tech. said "Congratulations, you are having triplets!"
What, me triplets, well I guess instead of 5 it's 8. I saw the doctor and will get an ultrasound every two weeks. I left to go shopping. I got onesies made that said "I was planned" on the first one, "I  wasn't" on the second and on the last one "neither was I". I was gonna surprise everyone with the news of triplets! I thumbtacked the onesies to the wall along with the ultrasound picture. I got Nicole to come over because I told her, she's gonna record the surprise. I heard Isaiah coming in.
"Hey babe, how was the first visit?"
"Very good, ultrasound picture is in the living room." He walks into the living room. I hear him scream "Omg!" I walk in the living room and he was looking at the ultrasound.
"Triplets." He mouthed.
"Yes, as of now identical triplets."
We got in position for the picture, the kids were excited. Can you believe it, triplets!

Picture is off Google and it's supposed to represent Aiden and Haley

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