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Can't believe Rayne is having a little boy. Today I go for my 6th ultrasound, with the triplets I get more. Isaiah and the twins are wanting to know but I want to be surprised. I caved though and finally agreed.
"Well baby A looks to be a girl." The tech said.
"Here's baby B and it's a girl too."
"Now here's baby C and it's a boy."
"Two boys and three girls!" Isaiah exclaimed.
"Baby A and B are identical and doing great on everything. Baby boy is healthy but very little compared to his sisters."
"Our first son also had weight trouble."
"Okay, well we will keep on him and of course you too because of your double high risk."
She gave me a towel to wipe the warm gel off, got my pictures and left. Aiden was so happy to be having a brother on the way and more sisters but the brother more.
"I love you so much, but is it okay if this is our last babies."
"Thats fine baby, five is plenty and anything to make sure my wife is a live and healthy." He kissed me and then said, "I love you too."
"So you get to name one baby, I get to name one, and the kids get to as well."
"Sounds great to me, I'll name baby B."
"I'm gonna name baby A, her name is now Audriana Nicole Leigh."
"Beautiful name."
"What are you naming her twin?"
"A'mya Marie."
"That's beautiful, and love that you gave her my middle name."
"Well you named Aiden after me so I thought you would love having a daughter named after you and you do."
"Aiden and Haley what do y'all want to name your baby brother?"
"Cookie!" Shouted Haley.
"No, Mickey Mouse."
"No, bubby."
"Shhh, whats daddy's favorite show?"
They looked at each other and screamed.
"Okay so baby boy is Jackson Allen."
"Daddy we are naming bubby Jackson Allen."
"Yeah, we can call him Jax."
About ten minutes later, I walked into the living room and the kids were sleeping.
"Can you help me put the cribs up?"
"I sure will."
It's so weird that in just 3 months or less, I'm going to be a mommy to two three year olds and triplets. We only have 3 bedrooms so Aiden and Haley will share until the triplets are older then Jackson and Aiden will share and then all 3 girls. We had the room in Pooh Bear because it's gender neutral. Isaiah had one crib together so I added the bedding.
"Okay babe, Audriana will be in the crib with the pink zebra print, A'mya will have have purple cheetah print and Jax with get Son's of Anarchy bedding, but until it's in I'm gonna use Aiden's Mickey Mouse bedding."
"Sounds great."
I was starting on A'mya's bedding, when I got a sharp pain, I waited about 10 minutes, then another one came.
"contractions." I said sorta quietly.
"I'm having contractions."
"No, you can't be you're not due for 3 more months."
"Well it's happening."
"I'm gonna call Nicole and have her and Troy come sit with Aiden and Haley."
"Okay, hurry please baby."
After 20 minutes, I was on my way to the hospital. After I got there my water had broke and Audriana came as a vbac baby. They got her and rushed me to the OR.
2 hours later
I'm still a little groggy from the medicine. I got to see Audriana, she's the healthiest at 3lbs 4oz and 16 inches long. A'mya weighs 2lbs 12oz and 16 inches long. Little Jax weighs 2lbs 6oz and 16.5inches.
"Hey baby, you're awake."
"How's the babies?"
"All very well no breathing problems tubes but have feeding tubes. They just gotta gain weight and learn to eat."
"Can I see them?"
"Let me get the nurse and see." He walked out of the room and then came back with my nurse and a wheelchair. We got to the NICU, my three little babies are so cute.
"Do you wanna hold them?"asked the nurse.
"Yes, please."
She handed me Audriana, who I began to breastfeed and she done great so they took her off the feeding tube. I held A'mya and she done great to. Finally I got to hold little Jax.
"Babe! Omg Jax is smiling."
"Wow, I could of swore A'mya was our smiler."
"I love you, Jax. Mommy, daddy, bubby and your sisters, we all love you." I tried to feed him a bottle and he ate it. I was so happy my babies just needed to gain some weight and could come home.
"Yeah, sweetie."
"You're doing great, and I wanted to just say, damn you still look good, even after five kids."
"Funny baby, you're crazy, but thanks and I'm glad you claim Haley as me giving birth to her, she may not biologically be ours but shes ours."
"They all are."
We went to bed. I love all five of my babies and my big baby too.

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