Nicole's Part

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"Babe, can you help me put on my shoes?"

"Yeah, baby."

"Thanks Oliver."

"Three years and you still call me Oliver."

"Yep, anyways come on."

"Where to?"

"Drop the twins off at daycare, then baby doctor, then to see my nieces and nephews."

"Oh yeah 19 weeks, finally get to know what OUR baby is."

"Why did you say our like that?"

"Because Dante and Ruby are Calvin's kids even though I'm not there biological dad I love them but this baby I don't have to remember that its another mans."

"I know you don't like Calvin and I know you love the twins but they are yours no matter what, I love you, now lets go."



"You just said, I love you, you never say it."

"Awe, man, haha just kidding babe I love you but we gotta go."

"Awe, I love you too." He then kisses my forehead and we leave.


"Nicole Diaz-Hill" the nurse called. Troy and I walked on in, today we find out if we get another girl or another boy. I laid on the bed and let the tech put the gel on my belly. It was warm, thank goodness. She started the exam to make sure everything was okay.

"Heartbeat is 156, that's good, all 4 chambers too."

"Great." I said.

"Okay, so now we look at the brain, lungs, kidneys, stomach, then I'll tell you the gender." We shook our head in agreement. She went over everything and told us that our baby was very healthy.

"It's a girl!"

"Yay another girl!" I said very excited.

"Another daddy girl."

"What makes you think she's gonna be a daddy girl?"

"Because Ruby is." We headed to see Marie, I love my family and happy Marie and Bub worked out, they are such a cute couple, can't believe they've been together for 8 years. I get to their home, the triplets came home after 2 months.
"Hey sis." Said Bub.
"Hey Bub."
"Where's my niece's and nephews and sister in law?"
"Well Marie is in the living room breastfeeding Audriana and A'mya. We give Jax pumped milk since he couldn't latch. Come on in but Troy don't let me catch you looking at my wife."
"Bub! Aren't you forgetting that Marie is in favor of breastfeeding in public and oh yeah Troy's married to me."
"Okay, okay I'm just saying." We walked to the living room and was greeted by my little nieces feeding and my sis in law also bottle feeding little Jax.
"Hey Nic, come on in here."
"Hey, Bub is talking to Troy, he don't want him to see you breastfeeding."
"Yeah, he always does that, Rayne and Hunter stopped by, she's got a few weeks."
"Oh, so let me guess Bub made Hunter stay in the kitchen too."
"No, I don't know why he's making Troy."
"Hey Bub let Troy come in here, he's gonna see me breastfeeding plus we wanna tell y'all what we are having!"
"Fine!" Bub and Oliver walked into the living room and Bub got Jax to burp him.
"So what the gender?" I looked at Marie and Bub, they are doing great with triplets and twins, I know Troy and I will be just fine with just 3 kids. I looked at Troy, he smiled we both said in union "It's a girl!"
"Congratulations sis." Said Bub.
"That's amazing, Dante got two girls to kick asses for." Said Marie
We then left for awhile and once we got home. I posted the ultrasound on Facebook and then went to bed.

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