Ashlynn's Story

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So I know you haven't heard anything about me from Nicole or Marie. We are still friends its just alot went on. So Brandon and I lost custody of Chucky, well I didn't I gave my mom temporary custody. I had to because Brandon was abusing me and he was hitting Chucky. He was in jail for a year. Good news is that today is court to have custody given back to me. I actually just moved to the same place I grew up in.
"I grant Ashlynn Patterson full custody of Charlie Patterson." Said the judge. I got my son back. I was so happy I gave him my last name.
"Also Brandon Reed is to pay child support every two weeks of $400."
I hate the way he looked at me when the judge said that. He don't know that I have a boyfriend. He hasn't met Chucky yet though. I don't know when to introduce him though. Well I'm at my mom's packing Chucky and I stuff. Then going to our new home. About 3 hours later, we got home...late though but it's okay I got my baby back. He slept with me since his room isn't ready yet. I also saw Rayn at the store this morning. She changed a lot, she told me how she don't want Haley to know she's her mommy. I told her about Marie being pregnant with triplets and Nicole pregnant again. Time to go to bed though.

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