Marie's Story

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So about 6 months has pass. The triplets are almost 6 months and even though they are a handful, I love them. Oh, Rayne moved to Georgia about 2 months ago, her and Jay are raising Alex together, its cute. But biggest news is Nicole is having her c section today.
"Hey babe!" Isaiah yelled.
"Yeah honey."
"Nicole wanted to know when you'll be at the house to get her and Troy."
"Once I get done feeding audriana and A'maya, did you feed Jax."
"Yeah, he's sleeping now."
"Okay, well I'm laying the girls down then I'm heading out. Your mom is getting the twins so you will only have the triplets."
"I could handle all of them if you would let me."
"Yeah I know but your mom hasn't seen them in a while."
"Go babe, I've got this, don't keep Nicole and Troy waiting to meet their second daughter."
"Okay, I love you, I'll send you some pictures." I give him a kiss and pass him Audriana and A'maya. I drive to Nicole's place, which is only 10 minutes from ours. I get out to get her when I got to the door, I hear screaming.
"I can't believe you would tell me this now! The day we are having our daughter! Why Troy? Tell me that." I hear Nicole yell.
"I'm sorry that I told you today of all days, I was gonna tell you sooner but couldn't find the time. But as to why, I just don't love you know more. I haven't for awhile actually I mean if you hadn't of gotten yourself pregnant again then I would of already left you." Answered back Troy. I didn't know what to do I was about to open the door when I here Nicole tell Troy to leave. I run back to my car and act as I had just got there.
"Hey guys! Y'all ready to have your daughter." I said as they walked out the door.
"Hey Marie, it's gonna just be us. Troy is gonna come later. Right Troy?"
"What? Oh right I've got some things I gotta do before baby girl arrives." I look at them knowing the truth but not wanting to say anything. They will tell on their on time. So I got into the car with Nicole beside me and we drove to the hospital.
After being signed in and waiting for 20 minutes, her doctor came in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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