Rayne's Story

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"I know I haven't been over lately but remember I'm due in like 2 months and I still haven't gotten everything yet." I said to Marie who called me.
"What do you need help with, we could help."
"No, it's... nobody can help Marie the doctor said my son will probably pass away a few hours after birth." I started to cry.
"It's okay Rayne, me and the kids are coming over, you need help and who knows maybe the doctor is wrong."
"Thanks Marie I actually do want to see the triplets and Haley and Aiden."
"Okay we will be over later."
"Okay m'bye." I could really use somebody right now, I mean my brother stole my husband, I would of never guessed my brother would be gay. Nobody knows that though, and Marie is the only one who knows I may loose my son.
"Hey Rayne," Said my home nurse," where's the furniture polish?"
Under the sink, but you don't got to clean."
"Well since you are on bed rest, I thought I would help with chores."
"Thanks, that's worth more than your pay."
"No, just what I believe friendly." I think my nurse is gay, great another guy for my brother to steal. I heard the door bell ring and Jay answers it.
"Uh hi, I am here for Rayne." I heard Marie say.
"Oh yes, Marie and five babies, she told me, come on in."
"Hey Marie."
"Hey so what's up with him, who is he and where's Tucker?"
"Well he's my home nurse, even though he cleans and cooks when he shouldn't and yeah Tucker ran off with Hunter because oh they are gay."
"Well that's swe--wait Hunter's gay?"
"Yeah I know right shocker, I knew Tucker was bisexual but can't believe he left with my brother."
"Oh well you're welcome to stay with us, oh and I brought 5 preemie boy outfits for you."
"Thanks, right now I'm good, but I haven't gotten nothing since they told me he will die within hours after birth."
"But you're having a c section, won't that help him survive."
"Yeah you're right, when you wanna go?"
"I got the kids Ray."
In walks Jay.
"Mrs. Diaz, if you would like I could watch your 3 year olds." Says Jay.
"That would be great, trust me Marie, he's great with kids."
"Okay I'll call Nic to come get the triplets from the hospital and take them to Isaiah."
We got to the ER and Nic met us there and got the triplets.
"Hello we need Dr. Gilbert in L&D, please?"
"Yes, okay hold on." She paged him and Marie got me a wheelchair.
"Hey Marie, how's the triplets?"
"Going good thank you."
"Okay so who's this?"
"My name is Rayne and my doctor told me my son is gonna die after birth but wouldn't say why nor was he gonna do my c section."
"Well lets do an ultrasound and see what's going on." I then was wheeled into a labor room and an ultrasound was done. The technician looked odd at the screen then showed Dr.Gilbert something.
"Rayne, did you know that your expecting twin boys and the reason the other doctor said your son will die is because his brother is dead and also he has very weak kidneys."
"Wait? Slow down, twins...twin boys. Marie now I'm really worried. I had twins my last pregnancy and ended up losing my son when he was 5 months old, Marie adopted my daughter and I moved."
"Look it's okay we will do your c section in 30 minutes and then depending on how your son is doing, we'll plan a surgery. I'll make sure you don't lose this baby, I wish your other son hadn't of died and I could of saved them both but I'm here for you. Let's get her ready for her c section." So they started prepping me and I was more nervous than ever.
"Marie call Jay and tell him to bring the kids and for you to go on home, he can stay here with me. I'll be fine, I'll call you as soon as I can."
"Okay, love you Rayne." She left the room to call him as they rolled me out, she told me he'd be here in 10 minutes.
*****2 hours later******
I was in the maternity room with Jay, I haven't seen my angels yet but I had called Marie to let her know they were born. Just then a nurse walked in with a baby not sure which one of them yet.
"Hey, are you up to holding your son." Glt
"Which one is this one?"
"Your alive one."
"Yes, but can I see my other baby too."
"Sure honey." She handed me my son.
"Do you have a name for him?"
"Yes, Alexander Jay." Then i remembered I needed to name my late son. "For my dead son, I want his name to be William Lukas." The nurse wrote it down on both his birth certificate and death certificate.
"Would you like to see him." Talking about my late son. I wanted to see him. I nodded. She left and 5 minutes later brought in William. I held him while Jay was holding Alex. In walked someone I wish I hadn't had to see for years.
"What do you want?"
"To come see my little boy."
"It's boys as in twin boys."
"What do you mean, we have one boy, I saw him."
"Well they got it wrong, anyways he was born dead."
"Well whatever, Marie's husband told me you had him so I thought I'd stop by, what's his name."
"The alive one is Alexander Jay and the dead one is William Lukas."
"Those names are so stupid, anyways I gotta leave Hunter is waiting for me."
"Before you go sign these."
"What birth certificates?"
"No, divorce papers."
"Whatever Hunter and I were planning to get married anyhow." He signed the papers and then left. I hate that I had married him. Any ways, I fed Alex with Jay next to me.
"Why you looking at me?"
"Because I can."
"Can I say something?"
"I like you Rayne, a lot. I know you only just had a baby well two but would you give me a chance." I couldn't help but kiss him. "I'll take that as a yes." I nodded. So in the end I had two sons, William Lukas, 6.3lbs and 17inches and Alexander Jay, 6.7lbs and 19inches.

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