Chapter 1: Massacre

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The village of Burnall lay on the outskirts of the forest separated from the rest of Rubesco by the gentle mountain ranges of Kravat.

Gentle because they were only about five thousand feet at it's highest peak. The rest were small undulating elevations of the land at best to be fair.Not any discouragement for enemy invasions or protection from harsh winds. A fact that at the moment was at the forefront of the warrior's mind. She knew if Burnall fell, so would the rest of Rubesco in a matter of months if not weeks.

Rubesco was not a Great Kingdom nor was it huge. It was situated on an important trade route and was a hub of trade and commerce renowned throughout the world though. Merchants from Egypt,Mesopotamia and even the barbarian nation of Africa frequented this land. Some even settled here as the emigration policies were relaxed and flexible, like any other trade country.

The Kravats though no help with enemies certainly helped in trade for they were no trouble to cross.
Right now the warrior cursed that fact as she landed just outside the village gates, withdrew her weapons and ran inside to see the damage. There were enemy soldiers coming out of the surrounding forest for as far as she could see. Many had also infiltrated inside. The warning drums were being played but it was a bit too late.

The village of Burnall was a small quaint militiary village that housed a significant part of Rubesco' s army and a huge artillery full of weapons from all around the world.

At that moment though all the weapons of the world could not save them for they were frightfully outnumbered by atleast five to one.

There had been talks of an attack from Dramero like there had been talks since the Prince' legend was born. Almost fifteen twenty years before, though nobody knew the exact time when it started, the Prince of Dramero,Emtilov had set out on a militiary expedition to conquer neighbouring lands. Though Rubesco was quite away from Dramero and separated by the seas they had been vigilant about it initially. Preparing for attacks, keeping the men on their toes, readying weapons and battle armours.

After about seven years they had started to relax. They thought if the Prince had to conquer this far he already would have tried right? He had been known to have crossed the seas and conquered some small kingdoms here and there two years previous to that. Then he crossed back to conquer more kingdoms on the other side. Everybody thought he'd lost interest in these portions, that he couldn't be bothered to make it this far. After all, Rubesco was a long way from Dramero. So they started lowering their guards. How long can men be expected to be alert and ready all the time? After sometime the adrenaline runs out.

Looks like it was a mistake. A big mistake. The Prince was back. Three years later by which time all defenses had been lowered and the threat had become a joke. Other than the usual defense which is put at the border of a Kingdom, the men were unprepared for war.

All men except the Khashas. The Khashas were a legendary clan of elite military men who were unparalleled in their skills and strategies. They were vigorously trained since childhood in all disciplines of war. They were always prepared for battle, to lead from the front. They were quite famed throughout the world especially since Rubesco was so connected through trade with other civilizations. They were also the reason that people thought twice before attacking Rubesco and capturing their lucrative trade.

Right now however even they seemed helpless. As she raced towards the village centre where she was informed that the real carnage was taking place she tried to focus her mind on the upcoming battle. There were many other thoughts in her mind, yet she knew if she wanted to get out of this alive she had to focus.

After all, as Chief of the Khasha's it was her duty to hold strong and good, to lead her people towards victory no matter what the circumstances, or to die trying.

The minute she had landed in the village she had realised the real problem of her clan. They were scattered and Khashas worked best when united and under command. She hadn't been there and neither had the second in command of their clan. They were in grave danger indeed!

Withdrawing her swords, for she could work both her arms equally well like the rest of her clan, she slashed left and right. It was easy to distinguish between the characteristic black garb of the Khashas and the blood red uniforms of the Prince' army. The uniform had been known to strike terror in the hearts of even the most experienced warriors. For the Prince' army comprised of the deadliest and most cruel warriors. Warriors who did not hesitate to kill or maim, who cared not for the laws of war, who were only fueled by bloodlust, who were sadistic bastards.

Therefore she felt no remorse when she killed these warriors by the dozen. When she decapitated their head or cut off their limbs. She knew if given half the chance they would do worse. 
Much worse.

Surrounding her were the people of her clan, her warriors, her pride. People who she trained with, fought with and would give her life for. Seeing their leader fighting alongside them infused them with new vigour. They screamed out their battle cries and descended on the enemy soldiers like a pack of wolves. The way they fought had no finesse or technique anymore. It was raw and wild for they were desperate.It looked like the barrage of enemy soldiers would never end.

The houses had been set on fire which due to the winds were quickly spreading to the surrounding forest, their one refuge.The heartrending sound of children and women crying out could be heard. Left and right their comrades were falling.They themselves were tiring and she could see it. They were failing. They looked ready to give up. She knew she had to do something. She ran to the middle of the village square and got on top of the raised dias that usually housed the important meetings between village elders and was also a place of worship during festival seasons. There she killed the two soldiers who got in her way by plunging her swords in their hearts. Then she raised her bloodied swords towards the sky and bellowed out a call.


The Khashas all paid attention but did not stop fighting. They had been trained to listen to their leaders even in the heat of battle.

She bellowed at the top of her lungs and ended with their battle call. Immediately she heard the returning battle call from Khashas.

With this cry resounding all around the Khashas got a new leash of life and started fighting with all their might. She jumped down from the dias and ran around the field helping those in need. Killing someone about to plunge a sword in some warrior's back. Giving a hand to someone fighting six people at once. Deflecting a hay ball on fire towards the lake instead of the battle field. And of course, killing any and every enemy soldier in sight.

She wished she could be at all places at once yet she couldn't. Though she had managed to infuse some hope in her people she herself grew desperate. The enemy soldiers just kept on coming. The dead bodies kept on piling up, from both sides. She knew it wouldn't be long before they exhausted themselves. After all they were but five hundred in number as opposed to the thousands of enemy soldiers.

Nobody knew the exact size of the Prince' army only the fact that it grew larger and larger with every new Kingdom he captured. She wouldn't be surprised if his army was the largest in the world because it probably was, only a fraction would be enough to completely decimate them. It was the reason why she was scared in the first place but she had immense faith in her clan. Enough for her to really believe that they could have defeated his army. "Could have".......If they were prepared and the Prince did not attack in the middle of the night while people were sleeping and defenses were low.

By the time dawn broke over the village and the first rays of sunlight touched the mountain peaks, the lake was red, the houses were in ashes as was the surrounding forest,parents had lost their children, children had lost their parents, there were more people dead than alive and Burnall had fallen.

Despite their best efforts, it was truly a massacre.

Hey story which I'm really excited about....hence the early update....this story has been in my head for a very long time....and it feels good to finally write it and give it life....I hope you enjoy reading it!
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