Chapter 7: Dagger

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"I will not marry you!" Myshka shouted at his back. She couldn't understand why the Prince even wanted to marry her. She would make a terrible wife, not to mention she was an enemy. Moreover, marriage was never on her agenda, even when her father was alive. She always knew that when she grew up she would be a great warrior not a wife and after her father's death as firstborn all responsibilities fell on her. There was no question of marriage not that anyone would marry someone as wild as her, she thought to herself.

The Prince meanwhile had stopped and turned back.
"What did you say?" He asked in a menacing tone. Well, she wasn't scared. She wouldn't back down. Of course not!

"I said I wouldn't marry you. Never! Not in this lifetime or the next!" She said acidly.

"You lost the fight. Those were the rules remember?" He asked in a very silky voice, undertoned with anger and irritation.

"I never agreed to the conditions if you remember." She protested.

"You agreed the minute you raised your sword at me!" He now shouted. She flinched a little. He mentally chastised himself. He didn't want to scare her off so fast. He had plans for her.

"If you know what is good for you and your people you will prepare for the wedding." He said in a tone not to be argued with and then walked out of the tent.

Myshka sat on the floor and contemplated her escape. She had so many things on her mind at once that she did not notice the girls enter. Three to be precise. Tall, fair skinned like the Prince and very thin and elegant. They were definitely not from anywhere on this side of the seas.

"So you're to be the new queen." One snidely said.

"Hush Belothra! You mustn't upset her." Another chipped in. She was smiling tentatively.

"Why? Will she kill me with her bare hands?" The first one said with a smirk.

Myshka had heard enough. She didn't have time for silly women politics. Whatever that was.

She got up and made to move past the women. She was promptly blocked by the third one.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Many people out there are out for your blood including some of your guards. If you try to escape they will get the perfect excuse to kill you. Even the Prince will not be able to save you then." She said quietly in her ears.

Myshka thought it over once. She was tired enough to fall dead not to mention heavily guarded. Now was not the time to try and escape. She had already lost alot to her impulsiveness.

"You're right." She told the girl who looked about as old as she was. Maybe a little older.

"However while I am here I will tolerate no insult of any kind. Is that clear?" She sharply looked at the one they called Belothra.

Belothra didn't look chastised. Instead she smiled. The smile felt like she had passed a test of some kind. The third girl spoke. She had brown curly hair and a voluptuous figure.

"I am Rahara. This is Nitya." She said pointing to the one who was smiling only wider now. She was the youngest she could see. "And that is Belothra." She pointed to the first one. Belothra was more bones than skin. Everything about her was sharp. Her face, shoulders, limbs and most importantly her tongue.

"We are army wives. We are here to look after you and act as your ladies till you reach the Palace." Rahara said.

"What does army wife mean?" Myshka asked.

"We are wives of various commanding officers who travel with the army. After all, the Prince hasn't been back to the Kingdom for a very long time. Some of us chose to travel with them." Rahara explained.

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