Chapter 9: Compromise

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Myrrha cried silently, for that was her way. She hadn't ever spoken a word in her life, maybe because she couldn't, maybe because she didn't want to. No one ever knew why but it was the reason Myshka and their father had protected her their whole life. Not many people even knew about her existence. That was how sheltered she was.

Myshka was soothing her saying comforting words in their mother tongue while the Prince stood watching them from a distance. He ordered the soldier to be gone and asked the spectators who had come to see the drama to disperse. He could see that they needed some private time and he wasn't absolutely heartless. Just because relations with his own sibling was sour didn't mean everyone else's was too. He would demand answers from Myshka later. For now he just stood at a distance, as much as the thread between them allowed, watching them. He didn't leave them alone because he knew that with her legs freed Myshka might make a break for it. Also, he would never break the thread between them, it was considered bringing in misfortune to do that on the day of the marriage.

"What happened to you?" Myshka asked softly. Escaping was the last thing on her mind at the moment. With her sister sobbing wretchedly on her wedding dress, Myshka could only think of comforting her. Her heart was breaking seeing her meek and soft hearted sister in such a state. It brought on more anger and hate for the Prince who she was now 'married' to, but for the time being she stowed it away.

Myrrha looked up with her big brown doe like eyes, so beautiful and innocent, but tainted by tears at that moment. Even the most hard hearted people would melt seeing these eyes, they were so much like a child's. Myshka held her sister closer to her.

Myrrha brought her hands up and told her story through the sign language. Truly,her eyes did all the talking, so expressive were they, so much so that no one ever was inconvenienced because she couldn't speak. Myshka had read her just fine since they were babies and she had no problem at all.

Myrrha explained how she had gone under the ground only to be pulled out by her hair by an enemy soldier. When she tried to fight the soldier called backup and someone came and hit her on the head till she collapsed unconscious. When she woke up she was tied together with other young girls of the village till a soldier came and collected her for his pleasure. This is where she broke down again clutching at Myshka.

Emtilov couldn't really understand much of what the sister was saying but he understood enough from Myshka's murderous expression to realise he was in trouble. Myshka looked past Myrrha's shoulder straight at him giving a look that said he was in trouble. So much trouble.

Myshka whispered something in Myrrha's ears. Myrrha stepped back and gestured wildly. Myshka's eyes widened and her face paled. She looked at the Prince again. Then she pushed her sister aside and put her hand in her hair.

For a minute Prince Emtilov was surprised but not for long. The golden dagger glinted in the moon light and came down at the exact spot where he had been standing till he stepped way. The movement caused the thread to be pulled between them. Myshka's attention was drawn to it and in rage she brought down the dagger towards the thread. Before she could slice it though, Emtilov's hand encircled the sharp end of the dagger. With his other hand he then swiftly twisted Myshka's hand behind her back and kept twisting it till she let go of the dagger.

Blood flowed freely from his hand making the dagger red. It dropped to the ground and Emtilov kicked it a safe distance away. He kept on holding her hands behind her back but she did not scream. Her face was twisted in a grimace showing her pain though. Try as he might he knew he couldn't hold on. He let go and she fell down pulling the Prince with her.

The people were engaged in merry making and guards had surrounded the both of them as they both sat on the ground heaving. Suddenly there was a commotion and Nitya came through from between the guards.

MyshkaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora