The smile

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I obviously knew who he was as I knew some of their songs. I wasn't really the fangirling type so I just stared at him for a little bit while he walked to the register to order. I tought he was quite cute but not really my type. I liked something in the way he carried himself, I was a sucker for boys who had a confident walk. Then, an unexpected moment happened, as my eyes were stuck on his body he turned around and smiled at me, I smiled back and turned my head to my phone. He was just being polite; what else can you do if you suddenly see someone staring at you?

He took his coffee and went out of the coffee shop, not that I was paying attention. Meanwhile, it had stopped raining and I decided to take a little walk, just to get familiar with my neighborhood. I was walking down the street and looking around as I saw a little park between buildings, hardly visible. There were a little gate and the first thing you could see walking in was a bench under a big tree. It was truly a beautiful sight and I immeaditely decided this was the place I wanted to spend the rest of my afternoon. Not long after I'd settled and put my music on, singing quite loudly someone had appeared in front of me making a shadow. I raised my head up and I had something to see; the mistery person was Nathan.

''You put up quite a concert.'' he chuckled. The familiar smile appeared on his face. Damn, he was cute.

I looked at my feet and smiled weakley. '' Sorry you had to hear my poor singing skills.''

''It wasn't that bad really.'' he said as he sat beside me. ''So.. I never saw anybody else in this park besides me, how'd you found out about it?''

''I just moved here and I was taking a walk and just kind of stumbled onto it.''

''I'm Nathan by the way.'' he steched out his hand for me to shake it.

''I know'' I smiled, ''I'm Carla, nice to meet you.'' I took his hand, it was so warm while the weather was beginning to become quite cold.

He asked me about myself and where am I from and we talked a little, getting to know eachother a bit. His voice was the best thing ever, giving me shivers everytime he'd mention my name. I don't think I concentrated as much on what he was saying 'cause I was so busy looking at his greeny eyes. They matched mine quite a bit. He was really nice too, polite and down to earth; not at all what I expected him to be. We exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch, although I didn't expect anything, I thought he was just being polite. As we said our goodbyes I headed back home.

I had to make a stop at the grocerie store as I had nothing to eat at home. I bought a lot of food and I was desperate for a home cooked meal. As I entered the apartment I went straight to the kitchen. I put all my food and everything I had bought in its place and started cooking. While searching my mind for recepies I decided to cook some chicken and a little veggies with that as I was a fan of healthy meals. Suddenly the whole Nathan scene popped into my head. What the hell happened?! I met Nathan Sykes and I had his number in my phone, I couldn't believe it myself. Then, all of a sudden the picture of his smile appeared in my mind. No, stop thinking about it, you're just another girl he met. Stop it. I shook my head and turned on the tv.

There was nothing fun going on on Twitter so I was quite bored and I decided to look up Nathan. His profile was full of thank you's to fans and tweets about gigs and appearances, nothing too interasting. Just as I was about to put my phone down a message popped up and lit my screen.

From Nathan Sykes: ''I reckon it's a little weird but, are you doing anything tomorrow? :) Nathan''

What the hell did I just read?! Wait, let me see that again. I read it about twenty times before I could believe it.

To Nathan Sykes: ''I've got college 'til three and then I'm free. :) C.''

From Nathan Sykes: ''Would you fancy a lunch? I'll meet you at the gates of the University? N''

To Nathan Sykes: ''Sure, see you then! C''

I just agreed to have lunch with Nathan. Nathan freaking Sykes. What the hell?! Is this really happening? I think I should lay down and go to sleep. I fell asleep with the messages still in my head. It all felt unbeliveably surreal.

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