First day

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I was awoken by a loud sound pearcing my ears; realizing that it was my alarm clock I threw it to the floor from my night stand. I never liked alarm clocks.

''Shut up!'' I yelled as it hit the wooden floors of my bedroom.

I still laid in bed for about good 10 or 15 minutes before getting up. It was 7 am and it was definately too early for anything, let alone living or being productive. I couldn't make myself get up on my feet so I rolled out of the bed and hit the hard floor to wake myself up. I did wake up, I also bruised my head and my hip, but at least I was out of bed now.

I clearly wasn't a morning type and I really wanted to fall asleep on the floor. When I finally managed to get on my feet, after 5 minutes of cheering myself I made my way to the kitchen to make a cup of the strongest coffee I could. After drinking it and apsorbing all the caffeine into my organism it was already 7. 37 which meant I had exactly 10 minutes to get ready. Great. Awsome. As if any girl could get ready in ten freaking minutes. Serves me right for batteling with myself in the bed. I ran around the apartment like a mad woman. I think I actually broke a record in quick showers with the shower lasting under one minute. Next stop- the closet. This was the first and probably only time I cursed my large collection of clothes as I couldn't make up my mind on what to wear. I quickly decided on blue washed jeans, orange sleeveless plain shirt, orange wedges, a coloured scarf and a denim jacket. I was suprised on my colour coordination despite the lack of time. Grabbing my bag and sunglasses I locked the door behind me and got out of the building. As I was running I also had to tie my hair in a braid. Multitasking is a bitch.


It was my last lecture of the day and I was struggling to keep myself awake. Damn you family law, damn you. 15 minutes 'til the end and I was counting down the seconds. The good thing was that I was all the way in the back of the class and I could do pretty much whatever I wanted to. While I was just in the middle of contemplating about the weather and how last names were invented I was interrupted by a text on my phone.

From Nathan Sykes: '' I'm at the back gate, see you in ten.:)  N ''

Crap. Crap. Crap. Oh, shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I totally forgot. Dammit. Great. Fabolous. A moment after realising that I'd forgotten about the lunch with Nathan freaking Sykes (that's my new nickname for him) it hit me that I resemble a zombie with no make up on. I picked up my little mirror in a rush and took a fast look at myself. Well fabolous, I look like a love child of a zombie and a vampire. Super duper.

The bell rang and I rushed to get out of the class and to find the back gate. Standing in front of the gate I said a little prayer to myself hoping Nathan freaking Sykes wouldn't notice I look like a scarecrow. At least I had my sunglasses on.

'' Hey there.'' I tapped him on the shoulder.

'' Oh hey, didn't see you there, sorry.'' he smiled as he looked at me.

''It's ok. So, where are we going mister? '' I asked playfully.

''I know a good pub just down the road!''

''Let's go then!''

Walking alongside of him my mind was going all crazy and mad. Maybe it was out of exhaustion or hunger, either way it wasn't nice. We talked about the weather until we reached the pub. It was a bit awkward for me as I was hiding my poor looking face. We reached the pub and chose a table in the corner, it was a bit more private. We ordered and while we waited for the food I had gotten more comfortable about my look.

''So, tell me about you Carla.'' Nathan said while taking a sip of his drink

I smiled a little. ''What's there to tell? I moved here a week ago and I've just started college.''

''Where did you move from? And what are you studying? I'm bombing you with question, aren't I?'' he said and a smile appeared on his face. Damn, he was adorable.

''From Croatia and english and pedagogy. It's fine though, I don't mind.''

When our food arrived I was really hungry. I ordered a Cesaer salad and Nathan, being the man that he is, a huge steak and fries. I looked around and the pub was really intimite, not many people were there. I can see why he chose it.

''Do you have a boyfriend?''

I choked on the salad a little hearing what he had asked me. I hadn't had a proper relationship in years, sometimes it made me think that I would end up alone. I wasn't that picky and I don't think that I was difficult to be with, things just never worked out the way I wanted them. God, my love life. I took a sip of water.

''No, I'm flying solo.'' saying those words made me instantly regret them and laugh. ''Sorry, it sounded much better in my head.''

Nathan laughed. I made Nathan Sykes laugh. Oh my gosh he was adorable as hell.

''I can see how.'' he winked

He winked. I was starting to blush. No. Stop it. Pull yourself together woman!

''Enough about me though, tell me about your life Nathan Sykes.'' I said emphasizing his full name.

''I'm in a band, I like long walks down the beach and romantic evenings.''

I chuckeld at his response. I never tought he'd be so down to earth. We talked for a little while longer about the things we like, we had a lot of things in common, but not all of them ofcourse. We liked most of the same music, he didn't read books as much as I do but who can blame him, he hardly has the time even if he wanted to. He was plesantly surprised when I said that I like rugby and promised to take me to a match, I was so excited about that, I only watched it on TV. Three hours flew by like it was half an hour and it was already 6 p.m.. He had to go to studio to do some recording but offered to escort me home. It was cute. The pub was 15 minutes from where I live so it wasn't a longs walk, but it was indeed a pleasant one. About two minutes after we'd left the pub and started walking his phone rang and Tom was calling him. The call took the intire walk so I was busying myself with browsing on Twitter and checking what's new. When we reached my apartment he finally ended his call.

''So sorry about this, Tom wouldn't shut up!''

''It's okay.'' I smiled lightly

''Let me make it up to you, I'll call you tomorrow, I've got an ides.'' he winked

''Sure, call me after 1, I've got classes.'' I smiled and he leaned in and hugged me tight before going.

He hugged amazing. It made me feel so comfortable and it lasted way too little for my liking.


Author's note!

This is my first fan fiction ever so I hope it doesn't suck too much. I hope you guys like it and feel free to leave comments for ideas and say how you like it. :))

Love you all, lovelies!

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