Masquerade Ball

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I awoke around 7:30 pm the ball was set to start at 8 pm so of course I .. rather WE were going to be late and not in a "fashionable" way. I sprung out of bed only to see Dani primping her hair she caught a glimpse of me in the bathroom mirror and her eye's widened. 

"Dude wake up! we are going to be late as fuck! google maps says this place is a good 30 mins away!" 

I hopped out of bed deciding whether I should shower or not. I zombie walked into the shower,turned the nozzle and a warm blast of water ran down my body the water felt so good on my skin so good in fact that I think I actually dozed off once again. "BAM!BAM!BAM!" "hurry up you snail!" I heard Dani's muffled scream from the opposite side of the bathroom door.

-Time Forward- 9:26 pm

Dani's car screeched to a halt in front of the driveway of an ENORMOUS Mansion this place was HUGE it probably had 20 rooms and maybe some hidden passageways hidden in a library behind a bookcase.. I was SURE of it 

"Are you sure this is the right address?" I said now staring at the now non existent address on my hand 

"Are you sure this is the right address" Dani mimicked me in a child's voice 

  I glared at her and shook my head as I rolled my eyes. 

"okaaay, well I'll get the ladies you can sit there and let your lady parts turn to dust and blow away into the Mojave Dessert" she said with a smirk 

"Dani that's not why I came here" I professed "then why'd you come?" she asked looking at with with a furrow brow. I was reluctant to answer her but I started anyway. "The other night I kinda helped a girl with her car after she'd gotten stuck on the side of the road, I think her radiator blew or something I don't know" I said looking down at the floor board of the car "although" I continued " I don't really get a chance to do anything because this dude showed up who was her brother and he offered to give me some cash but instead the girl gav-" I noticed awkward silence, as I glanced over to Dani , I noticed that she was already walking up the driveway I quickly exited the car and almost bust my ass because my foot somehow got caught in the bottom of the seat belt. 

"DANI! ,PSTT DANI!" I  whispered harshly  I ran up behind her and pushed her 

"why'd you leave me" I asked glaring at her  

"sorry, got bored" she said walking up to the house Dani reached out for the door bell and pressed it "so who's this girl you were talking about? is she hot?" Dani asked 

"Dani please ok, I am only here because she insisted so please for heaven sake PLEASE behave!" 

I pleaded "yeah yeah I will" she replied in a mutter as she adjusted her leather jacket. As Dani made a second attempt to ring the doorbell, the heavy wooden door slowly opened revealing a blinding gold light,laughter, and classical music.Both Dani and I were became temporarily blinded and shielded our eyes until they adjusted to the abnormally bright hue. Once our vision returned ,we realized that we were now standing face to face with a 7ft tall lurch look alike from the Adams Family he wore a dark grey suit and his skin matched the dreadful discoloration of the suit, his eyes looked dead inside yet oddly he did not look at us instead in a horribly deep voice said " Invitations please" Dani and I turned to one another looking like  two complete deer in the headlights kinda the same reaction Bambi had when his mother got shot in the woods.. kinda look. 

"umm I ha-" 

I started to speak and got cut off by yet another tall figure standing behind Mr. Lurch 

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