Chapter 6: Rivals.

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"Lauren please get out of my way" I begged but she refused.

I knew that it was damn near impossible to be upset at her so , instead of lashing out I gently lifted her off of the ground and set her aside with little effort and exited the coffee shop with her trailing on my heels

"what the fuck is your problem!"

she asked angrily pushing me hard up against the car "damn she is really strong..for a girl like inhumanly strong."

I raised my eyebrows at her and chuckled a little seeing her little 5'4'' body try and match my 5'8'' stature. She was cute when she was angry "why are you laughing?" she said as she punched me in the shoulder "OUCH!" I yelled this made me laugh even more.

"look I'm sorry there's something I have to tell you" I said this time with a serious look on my face "yeah there's something I have to tell you too" she said as her eyes lowered to the ground. I opened the passenger side door and gestured for her to get in. She stared at me for a minute as if she was unsure of my true intentions.. "Look I am not going to kidnap you if that's what you're thinking, I just want to go somewhere quiet and talk"

I said with a half smile. Lauren carefully got into the car and I gently closed the door behind her. I jogged over to the driver's side and and got in I started the car and the radio qued as it does with Lamborghini's. One of my favorite songs started to play 'Summertime Sadness' by Lana Del Rey I watched as Lauren glanced at the radio

"I love this song" she said under her breath thinking that I did not hear her

"so do I" I replied.

(please play song/video if you are not familiar with the song this will give you an idea of the tone)

We drove for about an hour until I pulled up to my house. A few weeks before my "disappearing act" I had purchased a modest house (4 bdrm 3 bath not so modest ) for myself off a hidden path that led into a wooded area and a few acres of land. The entire property was surrounded by an 8 foot high cast iron reinforced steel black fence,motion sensor cameras and not to mention the finger print activated entrance gate that was the ONLY access into or out of the compound. I noticed that Lauren had fallen asleep during our long drive and when I glanced over at her, she still was out cold gosh she looked so beautiful when she slept. The car came to a smooth stop and I reached out towards the finger pad to activate the gates. I pulled up to my new home.


I whispered gently nudging her she mumbled something and relaxed

herself I saw that for some reason she was really tired so I carried her instead of bothering to wake her again she nestled her face in my neck and I could have sworn I felt her lips graze my neck but I brushed it off and continued carrying her in...

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herself I saw that for some reason she was really tired so I carried her instead of bothering to wake her again she nestled her face in my neck and I could have sworn I felt her lips graze my neck but I brushed it off and continued carrying her into the house, up the stairs and into my bedroom and gently lay her in the bed and covered her up. I left the door halfway open, drew the blinds and exited the room

"I guess our talk can wait"

I said to myself as I quietly headed down the stairs into the kitchen. Only 30 minutes had passed when I heard footsteps descending the stairs. I glanced up from my reading and saw a beautiful sight

"I fell asleep ?"

Lauren asked running her hand through her hair flipping it to one side her beautiful emerald eyes were as bright as neon.

"yeah you did, you were out cold when we got here. I tried to wake you but you wouldn't wake up so I put you in my bed"

I said smiling at her. She walked towards me smiling as well I watched as the sunlight hit the side of her face just right , just enough to illuminate her green eyes.

"are you hungry?'' I asked

""oh my gosh I am starving" she groaned. I let out a little chuckle walked over to her,scooted a stool out for her and she sat down. "I'll make you something special " I said smirking I opened the fridge and pulled out fresh hamburger meat ,onion,tomato,cheese,lettuce and fries it took me about 20 mins to whip up probably THE best burger she would ever taste. "Voila" I said as I handed her the perfectly crafted plate. She glanced up at me with hunger in her eyes but this time her eyes were darker than before I could even sat they were black now.

"I need to tell you something"

she said as she rose from her chair it was almost as if she were levitating.

"Or better yet, show you"

she said as she glided towards me. I stood my ground and stared into her now lifeless eyes she opened her mouth to reveal two razor sharp fangs. Suddenly my wolf kicked in and I was in defensive mode knowing I'd never hurt her but still I had to keep my guard up.Lauren stood in front of me in full form she was terrifying yet she was still beautiful her once emerald green eyes were now pitch black."

"Are you afraid of me now?" she asked getting extremely close to my neck.

I didn't move.. I was frozen stiff but not out of fear I was far from being afraid but it was like she had a spell on me. I could feel the Wolf begging to come out inside of me but I fought my urge to attack I would never let her see the beast that I could become. So there we stood eyeing one another as if our eyes were locked and then I spoke up

"You are a vampire,my sworn enemy, the enemy of my bloodline, the enemy of my people where once we were allies we are now enemies" I said staring at her with a bit of sadness in my eyes.

I watched as Lauren's Beautiful emerald eyes slowly returned,her fangs retracted, and her skin turned pale she seemed as if she we after a few minutes she glanced up at me her eyes were weak her body limp.

"You need to feed" I asked as if it were a question she nodded her head as she closed her eyes and ran her hand through her hair almost as if she knew those would be my words. I sat Lauren up gently against me to support her

"drink from me" I said gazing into her eyes they were becoming lifeless by the second.

"NO, not you, I can't ,I won't" she said her voice weakening by the second.

"You will or you will die and I won't let that happen and it doesn't look like you have much of a choice" I said with a level of seriousness in my voice.

I knew that what I was about to do went against everything that my family fought and died for, it was against our laws A wolf allowing a vampire to feed on them would only make them stronger matching my strength, it was FORBIDDEN and unheard of and surely I would be exiled from my family and considered a traitor and probably hunted and killed but I didn't care.. and maybe I didn't care because.. I was falling in love with her.

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